I can’t sleep and now I became restless. I’m also tired. I took a melatonin pill. Hopefully it will do the trick.
You should pace. That’s what I do when I feel that way
Tired legs lead to sleeping Gregs
Is your name Greg?
…I couldn’t think of a better rhyme.
I usually do that between the couch and bed. But tomorrow my friend has a gathering. I want to go but if I can’t sleep I’ll skip it.
That’s a bummer. Yeah I understand
No it’s not!1515
I hope the melatonin works.
I’m already up for the day.
You still on the night shift?
I’m feeling a little bit groggy from the melatonin. Still can’t sleep though.
I’ve been up since midnight.
Maybe I’ll take a nap a bit later but feel wide awake now.
It’s a warm night here. It’s still 22°C/72°F at 3:30 am.
At what time do you normally fall asleep @Speedy ?
My sleep is erratic. I don’t have a sleep schedule. It changes every day.
Can’t you get stronger sleeping tablets?
I take imovane thankfully.
Sometimes I only get a couple of hours on it but I love it.
For me it worked taking less dosage.
Last night,after 3 hours sleep, I took half tablet of 1mg melatonin and kept it sublingual. It added 3 more hours to my sleep. 6 hrs alltogether.
I have zopiclone but I don’t like the side- effects.
R u taking Latuda?
No, it’s the olanzapine or vraylar causing it.
I get zoplicone sometimes too.
Same as imovane I think just different brand.
I don’t notice much side effects thankfully except bad taste in mouth from medication when I cut in half.
I understand what psyche drug are you on? Maybe it isnt agreeing with you
Another night of wonderful insomnia.
Do you sleep during the day when you have insomnia at night?