Beginning to dislike nighttime/early morning

Been alternating between laying down trying to fall asleep and checking the forum for hours now.

I’ve been drifting away from pc games and dont have a tv in my bedroom anymore(not that I would watch anything anyway) , so there isnt much to do but check a mostly dead forum and try to sleep.

Boring as heck. Can’t wait till daylight and some activity. My sleep cycle of a few hours at a time, several times a day is starting to get to me during this time.

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I hope you catch some sleep soon.

When I’m awake at night I study, exercise, watch videos or eat something

Great way to gain some weight :sweat_smile:


Sorry @Bowens , situations like that sucks. Did you try sleeping pill?

Last night I went to sleep on the couch. I was sure I wil wake up after 3 -4 hours so when it happend I went to have a quater of a sleeping pill and moved in my bed.
Almost 7 hours.

@Jonathan2 you are special. I use to do exercises in the night time when I was young. Not anymore.


I have a few trazadone but they dont work on me very well anymore.

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Mine has melatonin 1 mg, but from what I read if you take too much melatonin will keep you awake.

Are you alowed to take melatonin with yout meds?

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Thank you for that. Just hearing the word exercise motivated me to go on my bike right now.


I take a low dose of clozapine to sleep better…

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Actually, Speedy I think recommended that a few days ago to me. I have not gotten any yet. But I thought someone recently posted an article about not using it with antipsychotics? I should look into it more while I have nothing to do./.

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It is good to have such triggers.
Sounds to me you are in the best spot: exercising adsiction.

When did you start exercising?


I’ve been exercising for a long time 2-3 times a week on my bike. But 2 weeks ago I stepped it up and go on my exercise bike every day!

Edit: I used to go on long walks and lost weight but my feet hurt when I do that now, so I don’t anymore.


I am curious how long it took you to get into that sweet spot?. That happends when your body decides it can burn more calories and you can push more. You build up muscle and muscle get stronger. Your testosterone level goes up as well. Alltogether you should get more and deeper sleep


It’s in motion. But the exercise thread on this forum helped me to be motivated and also Wellbutrin helps. I’ve been on it for a couple of years now.


I’m actually thinking about sneaking my dog out for a walk in an hour or so now since you mention exercise. Have to be quiet getting her harness and making my way out though, because everyone is sleeping.

Thanks for the idea. Gives me something to look forward to until things liven up.


That’s one of the things that is great about having a dog. A reason to go for walks.

But it’s a lot of responsibility as well.

Edit: Is Maggie still sleeping?


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