I kind of want to bang my head against the wall. I’m having breakthrough positive symptoms. Also the Klonopin is making me feel dead inside and I gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I don’t think I should tutor during the school day anymore because I tire really easily. I’m part of 6 different support groups and still feel like I’m running in circles. I feel dead inside. Before my illness I used to like movies, but right now I see them as a waste of time. I see everything as a waste of time. All that makes me happy is getting a cup of bubble tea and sitting in the sun for a bit. What I’d like to do the most right now is take a long nap and hope I wake up cheerful tomorrow.
I’m struggling with meaning too. Keep enjoy the little things. Your bubble tea. Maybe it’ll branch off to other interests and joys eventually.
I’m sorry you’re feeling so blah. I think getting off the Klonopin, maybe switching to something that doesn’t last so long? I feel you in not wanting to watch movies. I used to go to the movies allllll the time when I was on abilify, but once I switched meds, I just can’t anymore. Even watching a ten minute episode of something is hard. I just have no interest in anything except getting coffee And sitting at the coffee shop for awhile.
I’m sorry. I lost track of what I was saying. I hope any of that makes sense. I can’t seem to understand it right now.
I agree that it’s hard to find anything meaningful. I keep trying to do new things and find new hobbies but nothing interests me and I feel like my life is a vacuum and I’m just a dustball on the floor getting sucked into nothingness.
As long as I got gas in my car and a soda in my hand and the weather is nice, I don’t give a sh it whether there’s a meaning to life or not.
My life is meaningful because I pray and volunteer.
My life has no meaning. I just sit around online all day and do nothing.
No way I could handle just sitting on the computer all day. Sounds brutal. Could you at least go out for a walk or attend a support group or something?
I go for walks sometimes.
Yeah, I am trying to cut down on time I spend wandering the net by signing up for an online class. Might try doing some art again. Maybe join a clubhouse?
Sounds like your overloaded with to much stuff. Maybe if you cut some of that back you might find your joy and happiness again.
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