Not sure what to do.
I feel purposeless too and I don’t know what to do about it.
I felt like that last week. The feeling passed though. I hope it’s only a temporary feeling for you too.
Thanks for commiserating.
I just booted up my computer and I am installing the WoW update. Maybe that’ll help.
Hope you feel better soon. Sorry you’re feeling down.
Thanks, @anon63380492.
Just learning to be you can be a purpose perhaps. for some it takes a lifetime of struggle.
Indeed. Meditation I find is a way to be moreso this way. I’m really into meditation.
Yeah, i could stand to try that more. I tried some, but im not sure it was the right kind for me or i was doing it wrong.
What kind did you try? Breathing?
Nah, some sort of freelance mindfulness. It was all wrong though or thats how it felt.
Try breathing meditation and/or body scan meditation. I like em both and they are vastly popular.
Oh. Just saw your edit. My suggestion would be to read up on all the definitions of mindfulness. When you do it right it feels really good.
I dont know. Ive been trying to come up with my own ways. Guess im a bit stubborn. Ended up in an endless cycle, not knowing up from down.
I feel lost, too.
Maybe try listening to positive and relaxing music. Just listen. That’s a proven way to feel good.
Thats true. Music IS very important. Culture is music.