Feeling like life is pointless

I work, I come home and browse the web, occasionally meet up with friends. I don’t have any real goals other than being competent at my job. I have little hope of having truly satisfying personal relationships or achieving anything exceptional in my career. I highly doubt I’d ever get married or have kids.

Does anyone else feel this way? How did you find meaning and joy in life? Maybe I just need the right meds to reduce my apathy. I’m currently on lamictal 100 mg.


I did feel this way for a while because my goals were unachievable; I wanted to save the world, and to fix everything wrong with humans.

In the end I gave up on that goal, because it was making me unhappy. Now my goal is to have a bath every other day, empty my bins before they overflow, keep in touch with friends and family more, and to become a better person over time.

I’m a lot happier focusing on self-improvement, than I was trying to improve the planet. It doesn’t feel so pointless now.


Every single day. I am looking for searching.
Last few days I put on headphones and tune everything out.
I put on music that I listen to when i was a teenager and
Read the lyrics and been thinking how these songs I loved
Had so much meaning I didn’t appreciate.

But everyday is ■■■■■■■ hard.


I basically feel the same way. I am not depressed, but life seems to have no purpose. My thoughts are always turning to the social and economic system because it’s really not that enjoyable to live in. I have interests that keep my mind occupied, but now I have to study a mechanical course for the next 12 weeks that is so dull I feel that I’m doing society a favor for studying.


Set some goals, find some passions, create a life you love and do what you love.


Easier said than done.


Take baby steps, I’ve hit rock bottom plenty of times we all can get the life we want just don’t lose hope.


It’s not a hopeless state I’m in. I’m doing pretty well compared to how I have done, life is just dull. Thanks though.


It’s probably a problem of not finding someone you have enough in common with. But I’m sure there are people.

The verve - bittersweet symphony

I am currently living my dream life. I’m very content and happy. The only thing missing is world travel. I’m waiting for Covid and my best friend’s dog to die before we can travel. Darn dog! Darn Covid!!

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Is her dog sick or elderly?

Life may be pointless,
but i have a good mood
and I can create meaning

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Are you depressed?

Of course life has no purpose or meaning or even value outside ourselfs

Even as a whole species, we don’t matter.

Now, this crisis of feeling pointless is true but not everybody realize it. If we did the world would be a better place

It might come as a crisis because of attachments reasons or nihilistic thinking of schizoprenia, depression, or fear of death.

I can give you reasons for each of those.

Your probelm seems to be however not knowing how to handle it.

**And trust me nobody is prepared to handle it, **

**most people don’t come close to realizing the pointless of theyre existence but some did through out history and build a lot of mechanism to make it easier for others to understand that meaningless **

So you can either -

1. Get into a philosophic dogma (existentialism, nihilism, absurdism etc)

2. Get into a religious dogma

3. Live with it by accepting that’s how life works while also accepting the world as it is ( recommended)

Fun facts

  • this feeling of pointless is what inspired a lot of philosophers, politicians, writers, and maybe even religions.

  • it’s also what a lot of people called AWAKENING.

-and a source of power for a lot of people

Let me tell you this : since everything is pointless, the only thing keeping us where we are now is fear. Fear of bills, of others, of death, of rejection, of wars, etc.

Fear acts as a reminder to keep us alive and not taking to much risk.
Im not saying you should do extreme stuff, but if you conquer fear you can take more chances in your life with a new job, school, relationships, hobbies etc.


I find joy in the little things. A cup of coffee, a good nights sleep, a nice walk in nature, a good conversation, an enjoyable restaurant :plate_with_cutlery:.

You need to find the little things you enjoy and cherish them.


Nice post. Did you copy paste or is that your own work?

I do disagree however that fear is the only thing keeping us where we are. Powerlessness has something to do with it. Also so do barriers in society. I would be happy to find permanent stable housing, have a small income such as disability and live a simple life, sleeping in, eating a basic diet, and having few possessions. Attaining this doesn’t require fearlessness.


Depends on what you mean by powerless, powerless as i see it, is fear too in a more complicated form.

Barriers from society are to few to be relevant since i think it’s the will of the person and the limits they set to themselfs who are the biggest barrier.

I can give you deeper reasons for bouth. I am however limited in replies.

It is my post, i had to wait 15 minutes to reply.

I realized today that’s is not motivation which most people require but the knowledge about how to do something.

And if we think about barriers of society that’s also a social construct which people take as a reality .

The perceived barrier has been explained by an Eastern religion in a fun story.

An elefant is tied to a wood thing since he was a baby , he tried to escape but couldn’t, after a while he quit trying, when he was powerful enough he didn’t even think to try to escape because he ‘leanred he couldn’t’

And that’s true, because most of us we had working/peasents ancestors which were ’ trained’ to don’t question authority, dont have hopes for a better future, dont try to rebel, be obidient to authority etc.

And i can get into details on that too.

But You can see it best in the cast system of india and a good book on the indian struggles which are born because of the cast system is white tiger.

Ps : i can only reply from time to time since im a new user.

You can pm me if you want @dividedself

Its possible to find meaning of life,
because the definition of life, is what I make of it.

I think happiness is found right now.

Being happy right now,
Is the best act of kindness.
That will direct me to be point-full-life.

Life is pointless. So you have to create your own meanings for it.