That’s the first I’ve heard of those. That takes the shine off iti-007 for me.
Depends how common.
Seizures can be a side effect of Prozac, which is widely prescribed. But it’s very unusual.
People are different enough, even the safest med will be unsafe for someone.
Yeah. So much for the miracle side effect free med that it was hyped to be. Lack of side effects was the only thing it had going for it. I’m not taking anything that can mess with my heart. I’m out.
I am sorry that it does for you. I still have hope.
Maybe I shouldn’t say anything - because as long as you are not having the side effect, it doesn’t matter, but the same effects are listed for Abilify.
Convulsions, fast heartbeat, high or low blood pressure.
Yeah I just got off abilify. I’ve found that all antipsychotics have a lot of side effects. I’m just trying to find the right one for me.
I am glad u are still updating…
Thanks that’s my goal. To give an honest opinion on what is happening with me.
Exactly. So what’s the difference/point of iti-007. Just another drug with side effects. I feel angry that I fell for the hype.
I am sorry that you got angry. Just wrote the side effects that were listed
Haha. I’m not angry at you.
That’s good. Lol.
Comparing the two lists of possible side effects, it still looks better.
But it’s about the side effects you get, not the ones that are possible.
I suppose it’s different for me since I never expected a truly side effect free 100% safe med. Even Tylenol, in normal doses, can kill a small minority of people with a particular sensitivity.
Did the voices leave when you started taking the med?
Yes they did. I was hearing multiple voices last night. Took the pill and went to bed 30 minutes later. Woke up with no voices already.
For anyone new to this conversation and medication in trials:
Thank you so much for posting this information on here.
Just for the record, here’s some of the hype I fell for.
They have to list possible side effects to cover themselves from anyone that tries to sue them. Read the side effects of aspirin, there’s loads.
Seeking Alpha is a site where stock and options owners can hype the stocks they own. It is not impartial.
I am still hopeful about weight gain and cholesterol profiles.
Good luck with the trial.