ITI-007. Update

Have my next appointment today. Can only have black coffee and water for now. I have been experiencing some unpleasant side effects, but I am starting to believe it is just the abilify withdrawal, as they abruptly had me stop instead of taper down. Besides this been hearing a lot less voices. Only when I am super super stressed do those voices creep in. They don’t last long. Mostly say random words or call my name. I am so use to a full on conversation so there has been a lot of growth. The biggest one being cognitively. I know it was suppose to help with this, but I wasn’t going to believe the hype until I noticed it. Turns out I am reading better than ever.


May be it is helping u cognitively …!!! We want cognitive enhancing med too…what do u say saywhat…!!!

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Hell yeah! I hope it continues to help cognitively and gets approved. This would be awesome for us all!


Yes i am in super need of cognitive enhancing med… cuz i cant study and remember my lesson or chapter. So its a superneed for us… take care homie…


Like what ? :astonished:

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That’s exactly how I feel. I am in school and getting threw a chapter each week was hell. I was able to get threw one and a half since starting the medication. It was so much easier to focus.


Shadow people/animals, uncontrollable blinking of my left eye sometimes and occasionally uncontrollable tounge movements. I just hate when I can’t control my body. Like telling it to stop doing what it is doing but it won’t. Just have to get myself as calm as I can and let it pass.


Okay take care…!!! Say what… we all are in trouble and inneed of effective medication… i am so excited for 007…okay lets be patience…!!!


Take care as well friend.


I hope the side effects fade away as you adjust. Are you on 60 mg?


I am hoping so too. And yes I am on 60mg.

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It sounds very promising if the side effects fade out. Must be nice for you to get some relief from the voices. Maybe soon we will have a better med to work with. I love that you are posting often about your experiences, it’s always interesting to read.

Thank you. I am really counting on them to fade out. I am going to give it a month to see if the TD lessons. It hasnt been happening a lot, but enough to bother me… I will continue to keep posting about my experience with the medication. I am glad you enjoy reading about it. :grinning:


Abilify withdrawal can make you go nuts for sure. I’d give it some time.


Saywhaat, do you have any update? I hope you are ok.

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Are you still taking some Abilify? Side effects get nuts with withdrawals and when you are on 2 antipsychotics at once. It can be hard to tell what is caused by what while you’re transitioning :confused:

Hello. I have been feeling much better. Not seeing shadow people and animals anymore. Not feeling to sick anymore. Vivid dreams are gone and I’m back to not really remembering my dreams. No sexual side effects. Been hearing voices on occasional but only when I am stressed out. Which has been lately since I am in the middle of moving.


Not taking the abilify at all. I am not aloud to for the study. So just had to stop it instantly the day before I started the study.


Any further update? Hope you are well?

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TD side effects, uncontrolled movements :s

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