I am aloud to talk about the trial!

For everyone who has been asking. I just got told I am aloud to talk about it. So look forward to past for updates on ITI-007.


This is good news @Saywhaat.
Good luck!

How long is the trial ?

Thank you! Getting nervous now. Just had an eye exam for the study and all looks good. Now waiting to get picked up from the lady who runs the study so I can do blood work and finally get the medication.


The trial is a year long.

Yay! That’s great! I hope it works for you!

Thank you! I really hope so too. It gives me hope for all of us if I do good on it.

Wow ! I wasn’t expecting that. Good luck with it.

Yeah it’s awhile. I just look at it as free meds for a year.


It doubly interesting for me as I’m on abilify. I’m eager to see how it compares.

Yeah I am excited about that part too. I still hear voices on abilify so I’m hoping I won’t or they atleast lessen.


Hopefully it will all work out for you, chances are you’ll do great. Glad you’re helping out with a new med, the ones they approve get better all the time. Better treatment helps all of us who have problems with psychosis. You should be proud of yourself.:nerd_face:

Thank you so much for your kind words. I wasn’t proud until you said that. Now I am feeling good about myself.

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