Fear of paranoia

I feel so nervous today. Like if I play video games or watch a movie I’ll get paranoid. Even going for a drive feels like it would be too much. Today is destined to be one of those days I just sit in my bed and wait for the day to end.


Have you got some headphones? Music might help you take your mind off things. Works for me sometimes

I have been singing a lot today. Random songs just keep popping in my head.

When I listen to music I am guided by random lyrics that come into my head, so I play the song. Not even sure if it’s my head generating this playlist

Ugh you guys. I’ve just been on my phone for the past 4 hours. I hate days like today.

I’m sorry @pasteyface
Hang in there!

Thanks. Just fought off some paranoia. Left bed for twenty mins and almost got paranoid. Today sucks. Which hopefully means tomorrow will be good. I’m listening to music now

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Paranoid about what?

I don’t know. Sometimes it just creeps in on me. It could be that my mom is home today. She usually works all day. So I have to adjust to when she is here

What kind of paranoid thoughts do you have about your mom?

I just feel anxious around her. It’s not really paranoia. But I just keep expecting her to burst in my room and give me a list of things to do. She’s always trying to make me busy cause she thinks it’ll make me feel better. So her days off I just am extra anxious

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Have you told her that this bothers you?

I’ve told her before that when she comes home sometimes I get paranoid. And she even said today “you probably feel weird because I’m home.” There isn’t anything she can do about it. It’s just me overthinking.

Well, even with the paranoia, it sounds like she at least lets you know that she’s aware of how you feel. Doesn’t seem like she’s down on you about it. You seem to be pretty aware that it’s just one of those days. While I agree those days suck, look on the bright side, you two seem to at least be communicating effectively. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You’re right. I feel much better today. Almost normal. Tons of anxiety because I’m about to get my first dog!!! I can’t wait!

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Oh, you got a new dog? That’s great! Sorry if I missed that information in the forum… :sweat_smile:

I’ve found that stress, both positive and negative, can increase issues. Kind of odd but there you have it.

I hope you had fun today! What kind of dog did you get?

Hey sorry for the late response. Haven’t been on in a while. I got a black lab puppy. She is a handful.

I think anxiety pills should work. But mine don’t completely take it away. I just have to somehow change my thinking and confront paranoia head on. Right now I have a pretty big fear of paranoia. I can just feel it looming. My brain feels cloudy

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