Feeling nervous. Like paranoia is coming

My heart is pounding and my mind is racing. This usually happens before i get paranoid. Gonna try to dostract myself. But who knows what will happen. Usually my instinct is correct and paranoia comes about 2 hours after i feel weird.


Hang in there friend.

Yes. Im hesitant to take my evening anxiety pill. Sometimes when it kicks in i get paranoid. I might skip it tonight. Even though im feeling nervous sometimes feeling to calm flips my paranoia switch.

Just feeling very frantic. Scatter brained

I hope it passes @pasteyface

I feel restless because im having trouble sleeping lately , more so in the day than night and its very boring being up all night , ugh

Yeah i understand. I keep waking up at 2am. I just get on my phone and watch videos till i either fall back asleep or my dad gets up.

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Woke up at 3pm oh crap and going be a long night again.

How you doing? Any further signs of paranoia?

Im having some trouble breathing normally. My thinking is becoming less clear too. Just trying to watch tiktok and distract my thoughts from becoming to obsessive


It doesnt help ive been inside all day. Its been grey and ugly out so ive just decided to stay in bed.

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I guess in this state you don´t want to do anything… Put some music on if you want, maybe it calms you.

Good luck…

Thanks. I think its starting to pass. My anxiety med is kicking in and im feeling calmer


Nope. Its happening. Im starting to feel paranoid now. Its happening kinda late today.

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Try and focus on some relaxation techniques. How you respond to anxiety will dictate how strongly it effects you. Maybe do some slow breathing exercices. Google 4 second breath (let me know if you dont find it).

You could also try writing down how you feel and getting your feelings out like that to see if there are things bothering you.

I hope you feel better soon.

Im listening to music. My parents were just doing it so i put my headphones in to block out the noise.

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Ive tried those breathing exercises before. They work until i turn them off then my breathing goes right back to being frantic. Also when i turn the light out. I start seeing shapes in the dark. Especially when i close my eyes. I feel better this mkrning

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I’m glad. 15151515

Latuda gave me terrible paranoid attacks that would last for hours. I swear, it sounds impossible but when I got off it it stopped.

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Hm. My shot is due in 2 weeks. It seems like it starts to wear off

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