Father's neighbor

I live with my father. His female neighbor and her friend a male have been waking me up for the past three days by yelling hoe at my window. I am not hearing things. They woke me up at 5am and i can’t go back to sleep. They don’t know me. I overheard the male saying that some guy says the Same thing about me. The past fivr years abd so on.i have never seen these people. I don’t get into cars with people. I don’t. Talk to other men. They don’t cone to me abd u don’t come to them . Wben men try to get me into their cars i walk away and ignore them. I am seriously considering on getting a gun bd killing these idiots. The cops won’t do any good cause they’ll. Lie and say they aren’t doing anything. I don’t know why this is happening to me. I feel like i am being pu.isged for something i amnot and i amnot doing. I want to go to the mental hospital to get away from it. I take perphenazine,amitriptyline,clonazepam,and trohexiphenadyl. Any suggestions onhow ti stop this nonsense?

Well, I don’t think killing anyone is the answer. You will end up in jail and that not be good. Sometimes you have to develop a thick skin and just learn to ignore them with their brutal ignorance. Unless you have the ability to move, that is probably the best form of action to take. If they see they don’t get a rise out of you, they will eventually give up their behavior. In psychology it’s called extinction.

True.i wish i could ignore it better. Sigh.

What do I do? I can’t move. I’m thinking of recording them and turning them in. Any thoughts…


Unfortunately except for disturbing the peace, they are not doing anything illegal.

I had a friend that had neighbors that harassed him before. He took his own feces and stuck it underneath the door handles of their cars for payback.

They could be un-diagnosed MI people and could also be dangerous if un-medicated or even dangerous as normal people.

No they’re just stupid. I live ina city where people have nothing better to do but harass others. Thanks for the idea bipolar. She’s gonna be missing a window. Before long,

Don’t do something you’'ll regret. Getting even may feel good temporarily but take it from me, problems with your neighbors can escalate very rapidly. Don’t get yourself in trouble with the law. It’s not worth it. You won’t get treated special by the police just because you’re schizophrenic. I think the best solution is to have your father handle it.

I’m pretty much going to ignore them. It’s not worth worrying about anymore.

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Do they know you have sz and that’s why the taunt? or they’re just assholes in general?

Assholes in general. If they yelled last night i slept through it.

How long have you been sz? You loook too skinny to have been on AP’s for long, which i mean as a compliment.

Thirteen years. That pic is the dead actress Sharon tate. I’m a big fan. I’m not big on confronting folks o i think I’ll just keep ignoring them for the necessary time being or try to anyway.

Yeah, I was living in L.A. when the whole Sharon Tate murder thing happened. I was only 8 but I distinctly remember the story being front page news for weeks.

Yeah you’re my moms age. I found out by looking up manson, god she’s gorgeous. So sad.

Yeah, she was pregnant when they killed her.

What’s more annoying is thst they are still trying to get out of prison. The idiot that did most of the killing is now a bible thumper.

A big bolt of lightning just came down. Scared the ■■■■ iut of me. Lol

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