They know my whereabouts

People above me said she knows today. Got called a hoe by one of them. Followed me to the kitchen. Stood over the pot. Drop heavy objects on the floor. I almost want to go live in a tent. They know my name dob ssn. Jhc what’s going on.

I didn’t move here to be yelled a ■■■■ and then four years of harassment.


They know I hang out with my mom and go places with her.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, but it’s not real.

Your neighbors are not out to get you.

It’s the illness.

Can you put on headphones and try to distract yourself?

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I can only wish. I have to charge my headphones. When does having schizophrenia make everything that goes on a delusion? Oh no it’s a delusion because in the history of neighbors no one has ever harassed anyone not even their neighbors. Jesus

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I didn’t mean it like that.

But I understand your frustration.

I believe your neighbors are noisy,

I just don’t think they’re out to get you.

What does your boyfriend say?


He knows. I’m tired of my personal info being laid out where they can hear and write it down. My life is none of their business.

I’m going to go collapse now. Hope you have a good night.

Yes. Do give yourself a break. Worrying is exhausting.

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