Ex-boyfriend question

My ex-boyfriend was caught up in a mess regarding the Clinton e-mail controversy. He was interviewed in the papers and he worked as an assistant for a man who later killed himself. I’m concerned for my safety since then. Should I be? I overheard something like a voice when I was coming off Adderall that said that I would be taken to North Korea in 10-11 years from now.

You sound like a paranoid schizophrenic, so just know you have a tendency to embellish and just make up things and believe them. Like, catch that tendency and kill those ideas like a game of mental whack-a-mole. Find objective reality through the craziness, and anchor your best self to it. Don’t just believe every hallucination and crazy whim you get, you’re going to be so damned confused, it’s pointless.

Try not to worry about it. I doubt that your ex is even thinking about you

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The reason I worry is I had visions of them giving me plastic surgery so they can make me look like and install me as the dictator of North Korea. They kill the dictator at age 47 and the scary thing is in 10-11 years the current dictator will be 47.

All I can tell you is…look to the evidence. Look at the mirror. Do you look like the current dictator of North Korea? I hope your visual hallucinations aren’t that strong to make you see a distorted image in the mirror.

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No I don’t but I’m scared they’ll give me plastic surgery.

You do realize the news has literally no information regarding Kim right now. He is by some accounts dead from failed heart surgery. What would giving you a plastic surgery and installing you as dictator do now? Why would anyone bother to give you a plastic surgery to make your their dictator so that you can rule over them? You are saying they will kill the dictator. You do realize a dictator of a country has absolute power in the country. Your ex-boyfriend is not involved in any conspiracies.

I heard this happening to me before the current news. I don’t what the purpose of them doing this to me is, besides punishment. A dictator is controlled by other powers. I’m scared this will happen to me. Don’t know if posting here helped me. :frowning:

You do not know the purpose because there is no purpose. You are telling me someone would give you plastic surgery to kill you? Why wouldn’t anyone just kill you outright instead of giving you plastic surgery then installing you as dictator of North Korea? You do realize you are a powerless person with schizophrenia. You are not at all important to the United States government. For a government to kill you, they can do it outright. Look at what happened to the Iranian general who got bombed in a car all the way in Iran 6000 miles away from United States. You are a powerless person in your own country. Do you not see how delusional you are?


This sort of helps. I thought I was a spy before so I think they want to punish me. But you explaining this sort of helps.

No problem. I have paranoid schizophrenia. I am dealt with all of these kinds of delusions. To key to defeat any paranoid hallucination or delusion is to look to the evidence. Feel free to ask me anything if you need further explanation.


But to answer your question from how I understand it is there would be a gap if there was no dictator and it could be worse according to some people (not me) without a dictatorship. Because of the nuclear power thing, dictators have to die sooner. But they need to find replacements. Any response to this?

But how can I tell if I’m really a spy or not? Especially with my ex-boyfriend situation.

It’s like this idea that if you’re the devil, you would deny it, but how do you falsify that? Like how do you get out of that mind trap?

Look at your fruits. Are they good are not? That is how you judge character. If someone says they are loving but don’t produce anything what good is that attitude? Also, Bruce Lee once said you don’t need a loving attitude to love others. Character is all about what you manifest in reality.

If you think you are a spy, do you have fruits that reflect that? Think of what you’re doing with your life, is that reflective of some kind of manchurian candidate nonsense or a secret agenda? Or are you just a poor paranoid schizophrenic beating herself up with stress? Which is more likely?

I have pictures of me wearing sunglasses and I took a few trips with my current boyfriend who carried multiple IDs. Beyond that, I’m not sure what else would qualify. I used to study religious studies so my onedrive account has papers on the Palestine/Israel conflict and lots of other religious writings. A lot of these were created when I was on Adderall…I heard some terrorists have similar amphetamines and I thought I was a terrorist too.

You’re just creative with your worldview. Your brain is damaged and it makes you gullible with the things you believe.

You’re just a victim of your own stressed out mind. It’s literally all in your head.

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