Nothing is convincing me

That they aren’t going to get me in 10 years. I remember reading about John Todd and he was paranoid and they did actually get him. I feel like my situation is similar to his. Don’t know what ti do.

He was convicted of rape. So he’s different from you.

They supposedly made that up so he would get im trouble.

I doubt it was made up.

He was convicted in a court of law so there had to be evidence. You’re innocent until proven guilty

I heard the audio which if you want to know about him–he was set up.

I don’t believe that, even with the audio. He was in a psych ward so he was just mentally ill

North Korea has no interest in having foreign citizens taking over their country. North Koreans are extremely jealous of their independence. The idea they would want you to be their leader is completely preposterous. No amount of plastic surgery is going to make you speak faultless Korean. What you’re so afraid of has never happened to anyone ever.


They hardly ever have audio of Kim Jong Un speaking Korean.

:joy::rofl::sweat_smile::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Sorry.

You’re not going to rule North Korea. They hate everyone but themselves

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It sounds like you, @flowers20, got the “Who cares what you think?” treatment because your thoughts have gone wild.

I would be one of a 1000 chosen since there are many Kim Jong Uns supposedly. There is a lot of work they want done.

Guess you’ll have to wait 10 years

yes, and I’m wondering if you make the effort to clean your own bathroom.

That doesn’t mean they won’t force me to.

You mean to rule them against your will?

That’s how all leaders are. Other people control them.

You might be right. I never thought of that.

Who controls them? And more importantly, why would North Korea go out of their way to recruit a foreigner having so many natives available? What does North Korea get out of choosing you?