I feel like because of my boyfriend and how bad and scary he is, that he set me up and I will end up in North Korea because of him. I was always not scared of anything and didn’t foresee this happening. Now I feel like he has more control and power and regardless of my mental health history, he will find a way to make me look guilty and then make sure I go to North Korea. What do you all think?
I live at home with my family. Am I safe here?
I think you are severely delusional and should seek professional help asap.
First of all: CHILL. Nothing bad will happen as long as you dont do yourself any harm in any sort of way.
Second of all: If you dont feel safe about your BF, talk to your family or someone you trust so you can figure out a way of solving this situation.
It isn’t good to stand beside someone you dont feel safe with.
Wish you good luck <3
Is he abusive or is this feeling all related to your delusion?
Honey when is the last time you visited the doctor? When you start in on delusional conspiracies you allow evil to win. If your boyfriend really is doing this to you then you NEED to contact your local authorities and get yourself safe.
No one really believes that I am in danger because they know about my mental health seriously. He has been sort of abusive in the past but just as bad as my family has been to me. I’m not sure where to go or what to do.
@flowers20 you need to be safe and if you do not feel safe them you need to contact police. They have resources for abused people.
I can’t think of anywhere the police could take me that would make me safe. I feel like this goes beyond their ability.
I think you should tell your family you do not feel safe around him. My ex was scary too… I had to leave him then go back with a friend to get my stuff… Don’t stay in a messed up situation…
To be perfectly honest, with as delusional as you are, a hospital would be the safest place. You really need to have meds or a med adjustment. We all have gone through it.
They already know how I feel. But they’re not doing anything to keep me safe because they don’t think the threat is real about North Korea.
Why would you have to go to north Korea… can’t you stay with your family?
I heard a voice that said they would see me in 11 years to turn me into a version of the North Korean dictator through plastic surgery.
Which is More Safe, North Korea?, or South Korea?.
Don’t listen to the voices… especially the negative ones…
I hardly ever hear them but one time they told me something that came true. So I’m worried.
Thus May Be of Service For Clarity, on Relations:::~
‘When the Japanese empire was dismantled at the end of World War Two, Korea fell victim to the Cold War. It was divided into two spheres of influence along the 38th parallel. The Americans controlled south of the line - the Russians installed a communist regime in the north , later ceding influence to China.’ (From Google).
You won’t be sent to North Korea to become the dictator … I think like @anon4362788 said you should try to have the meds adjusted… have you spoken to your therapist about this?
I think South Korea probably…