My brother in law. I swear every time he talks it’s something negative. I try to avoid him as much as I can, but sometimes I’ll be talking to my husband and he’ll sit with us. I tried putting something funny on for us to watch and he said, “you have no idea what it’s like to have a job, these people literally have nothing better to do!” I was like I think what happens in the video is funny, I’m not trying to join some cult! He thought I was trying to get him involved in some me new age thing. I hate him. I’m having thoughts about bludgeoning him to death. He’s always so negative. I don’t care that he has BPD, he’s an ass hole!
If you are having these thoughts, you should go to the er immediately. Please get help.
Just be glad you’re not he. How would you like it if you had to live in his mind?
He has no idea of what I have to go through when he plants doubts in my mind. He once told me someone was out to get me and he thought it was so funny. I was sick n the ER crying that someone was plotting to kill me. I hate him.
It doesn’t matter what he says. Violence begets violence. I don’t want to see a news story about you. You seem like a really good person. But your thoughts are not right. I can’t make you do anything, but I hope you do the right thing and get away from these people and thoughts. You need a vacation.
Thanks @nfy I will tell my husband I need to go in, even if it’s to cool off. I do need a vacation. I haven’t gotten away in years.
You guys could go to a national park!
I would love to go to the Arches National Park I’ve always wanted to go there.
I’m in the ER. They have me in a safe room.
You are doing the right thing. I’m proud of you for going.
Wow you got a good phone service to have coverage in there. They should advertise that. Take deep breaths your safe and it will sort out with patience.
hope youre doing okay @Cici2 itll be alright, youll be able to sort out your meds and relax. hope youre able to get some rest
I can get like that ,for me it happens when I have a mixed mood episode, basically if anyone is against me in any way or seems like they might be against me I start thinking about all these vengeful ways to destroy them. Most of the time there not even against me and it was all in my head.
Then the mood passes after a few days and I wonder what the heck happened.
well, I’m glad you are seeking help…you sounded kind of a danger to yourself there for a while. ? I hope you find happiness.
I hope you are doing alright! I’m so proud of you for doing so. <3
That guy sounds evil. You shouldn’t have to deal with him.
I’m out of the hospital. Everything turned out ok. I feel much better now.
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