Unsure as to why

Idiots are yelling at me saying

Give him the keys whore and other yelling.
Guess he has no life

Am I wearing a mop on my â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  head?

Rox, I really think you should go to the hospital. You’re not making any sense.

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Hospital is useless. I think it’s funny you think they can help.lol

They can help. They helped me. They saved me. It doesn’t have to be a traditional hospital. Maybe you could try IOP or something?

Just got called a phony.
Through the wall. What is a phony?

@roxanna you are talking nonsense…nobody is yelling at you…it’s inside your head…get your ear off the wall…that will make it sound like people are talking and yelling…stop it you’re scaring me again !! make your pdoc change or up your current meds !!

If you say so.thanks for responding.

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People need blood

I agree that you aren’t making sense. If you’re constantly listening through the walls then your paranoia will make you feel like everything’s about you. Plus it’s not really fair to them for having someone constantly spying on them. I think this has gone on long enough for you to realize you need a med change or hospitalization. I know you don’t want to accept that it’s not happening, who would? But for your own sanity and for theirs considering you admit to yelling and cursing them all the time aside from the spying it’s time to treat yourself to some relaxation! I’m not being mean or trying to sound mean it all!! This delusion has just gone on long enough. It’s bound to come to something really bad for you sooner or later. Is there a different treatment facility around you haven’t tried? It just sounds like you’re spiraling out of control.

Have you ever considered the possibility that your neighbors talk to each other upstairs? If those things were said they don’t even sound like anything pertaining to you.


Don’t talk to me anymore you git. You can’t read.

@roxanna she can read. Everyone is just concerned about you and trying to help you do you don’t have to suffer so much anymore.

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Yes, I can read! Lol! Just trying to help you with your perception but by all means continue on like this. Don’t take anyone’s word that you’re having delusions. We are all wrong, you’re right! SMH :woman_facepalming:

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Thanks pianogal! We have all read her threads as they come up and I think she doesn’t want help! Nothing we can do anymore except leave her alone! It’s sad to see someone like this. Just so far gone! You can’t force someone to get help!

You’re not wrong but neither am I.

Folks unfortunately they have yet to find a medication that stops this for roxanna.

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