How to deal

With my brother in law that lives with us. He can be so mean and callous and he is always bring everyone down all the time. I am so mad that I’ve thought of a plan. Next time he has something negative to say I’m going to swipe his phone from him, play keep away with it, then lick it and put it down my pants. He lives on his damn phone anyways. I think he deserves it. I know he has BPD, but that’s no reason to be a dick all the time.

Don’t mess with his phone too badly it might backfire. There’s gotta be a better way to deal with him


Could you or your bf talk to him about how his behavior is affecting you guys? He might not have the insight skills to realise it himself

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I can’t think of another way. He’s always got good comebacks and witty remarks. He can make a big strong man cry with his poisonous words. The snake!

I could try and tell my husband to talk to him, but my husband says it’s no use, he’s just being himself, is all he ever tells me.

Wouldnt that be like a form of abuse? Surely you can just comment to him that hes too mean or something? Act like it is not ok.

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I’ve told him he was mean before and all he said was “thanks”.

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Well then follow it up with something like “you think I am joking?”. I dont think that shoving his phone down your pants is really going to help the situation.


I guess you’re right. I ignored him at my husband’s birthday party, when he said “why do you keep taking pictures!” I was trying to document the event, but he just snapped at me. The whole family is like him. They always tell what you’re doing wrong. There’s never pleasing them. Ugh! And I have to tolerate him because he pays rent. :sweat:

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Does he take meds? If not he probably needs them. I was mean whilst not on anything. So hes an ■■■■■■■…hmmm

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Yes, he needs them but he doesn’t want to take them. He’s afraid he’ll become dependant.

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@roxanna @Jonnybegood @Pikasaur @anon98459728 he finally apologized. He said he didn’t realize. I feel better now.


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