Ever feel you have to put on an act sometimes?

If you could read my posts before I edit them drastically you would better understand. I luv it cause you can’t otherwise take back your words. hahaha

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Absolutely yes. I feel like I spend all my time perfecting my poker face. Not that anybody buys it. Most people just hate me. Never really understand why.

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You’re getting too deep on the unrespectful of the most…the unreal.

I doubt anyone hates you. That’s a pretty extreme state of mind. They’d have to be nearly obsessive to maintain hate. No one has time for that unless they are forced to interact with someone.

Someone might say they hate this or that or someone but it’s more just an expression. True hate is hard to come by and even then it’s temporary(in most cases).

Can’t hate them all even though it seems like they did this to me.

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i would tell myself that i need to act natural so i could blend in, it was more helpful after i changed med 5 years ago :slight_smile:

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just think one day am going to de so why waste time wondering what other people think LOL

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Every time I interact with people. I have to remember to make eye contact, blink properly, and show amusement at what passes for humour with neurotypicals. Half of it is a waste of time and the other half is terribly distracting. Text is a superior communications medium.



pixel don’t even bother looking people in the eye its too annoying when to look away how to not stare if people are worth it they wont care.
id like most of my interactions by text too.
or letter lmao.

I heard that people who look at each other for longer are more comfortable with that person an their relationships last longer

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Do not pace, no pressured speech, have a euthymic mood, and let them play doctor. Bwahahaha

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Mostly my acting relates to pretending to be normal. I remember yesterday I was way out of it, voices were very aggressive and the world felt weird like I was looking at it through a telescope. Also feeling like I was outside of my body. And I went to Starbucks and I remember ordering and thinking my voice didn’t even sound like my voice, it was like I was listening to someone else talk but I asked for everything normally. It’s like trying to act like you’re cool when really your high as balls or drunk. But I seem to pass well…

I guess sometimes I worry about my reactions to things we talk about in therapy. Like I’m worried I won’t cry when I talk about something bad and then the therapist won’t believe me. But that’s just because I have 0 control over my responses, and anything I can’t control causes me anxiety.

I’m trying to appear as normal as I can right now, taking care of the important stuff. The apartment is another story. I’m still wiped out from yesterday.

where did you hear that daydreamer?

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i cant remember dandy i think it was on buzzfeed or something and it came up on my facebook feed,
it was really interesting though, i am sure there is a study about it.

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In my city, workplace scams about to sexually harass women and even torment the men. The scams just get stronger and stronger, things are so bad here. Most are denied unemployment. Discounted Legal Aide is refusing to even give advice because some of the attorneys who staff it are dirty abusers in their own lives and like it that way…Some of the people trying to deal with wrongful termination have to pay attorney $300 an hour to get a law suit going, that’s after unemployment was denied and person cannot find other employment quickly usually. This place increasingly is just hiring their friends in some offices…

There is a lot wrong with how some of the middle-class and wealthy men treat people. So, even though you act fine, you may not be treated okay trying to work in anything in your community except fast food. Retail jobs are sometimes targeted to facilitate theft and boss things you had something to do with it, resulting in your termination. There are lots of thought broadcasting poor part-time psychotics who just verbally harass someone & mess with coworkers, these are an annoyance but probably won’t get you fired too quickly except if they like to steal. This is what is ‘thrown’ at mental care patients as ‘social problems’…The poorer ones who are part-time psychotic and never managed to work anything but minimum wage jobs lead the mouths b-ching at us as these will never get any assistance for their mental problems nor even any retirement benefits except extreme poverty.

There is NO way to explain this to every big-mouth old guy who wonders why you don’t work…Some of these are actually people who ruined someone so it’s an even sicker person…I never discuss it but I still get strangers complaining to me about my welfare check or not working…But, with the barriers to work in some communities, it is in my best interests not to work here. Several female friends have been screwed multiple times by dirty employers, some employers who hit every new employee every 6 months for last 10 years. I am going to stay out of it here. Pay doesn’t warrant taking chance of getting more screwed up. It’s better these kind doesn’t even recognize your far. (I’m working on moving again in couple years, so will explore working later…)