John Nash pales to that woman and I don’t know a better example. Prove me wrong.
Yea I read about her. Its amazing. She said her secret was being social, she said her social support helped her the most. But idk I have a friend I talk to daily but that doesn’t seem to help my sz negative symptoms.
I think its amazing. She must be very smart and never gave up on her school work. I dream that one day I could finish college…I still could try maybe even though Im almost 33 years old.
Bobby Fischer may have been schizophrenic … from watching interviews and stuff I believe he once at least has psychosis… like a high functioning sz… or at least chronic psychosis or something…
For anyone who doesn’t know he’s arguably the best chess player of all time
john nash was a narcissist and bad father, but his movie was cool and stuff
I’m a high functioning sz.
Brian Wilson, one of the Beach Boys has schizophrenia. That too is pretty impressive. I can’t imagine having to go on tour while battling the illness.
Socrates heard voices
Elyn Saks has never had auditory hallucinations.
I’m not saying she’s not amazing, but seeing as how voices are my number one obstacle, it’s hard to recognize her achievement without putting an asterisk next to it.
Saks is amazing, but John Nash changed game theory and won a nobel prize for work he did before he got schizophrenia. John nash went to princeton and taught hard stuff. Saks is totally different and amazing in her own way.
Well, I cleaned 8 restrooms today.
I read her book and although she was an amazing person, she really doesn’t experience negative symptoms.
What do you do and what have you done?
I’m not sure I understand. I think all the meds I’ve gone through have Perma fried my brain with the combination of will power. When I was first sick I didn’t do anything but work. Then I went into wards. Lost my job. I just got still a nut ball.
Ron Jeremy was the Don of porn stars. He must of had a few screws loose
He’s also facing a life sentence in prison if convicted of what he’s accused of.
More like a few loose screws.
I’ve seen Elyn Saks talk and I know she spends a lot of money on therapy/counselling and in that respect i think i may be a bit more recovered than her as i don’t rely on therapy as much,
I don’t need special daily or weekly talks with a therapist as i seek wisdom from above, that’s just how i roll, & its better bc it helps me find solutions to problems on my own, my meds help with delusions and panic but decision making and lots of other things can be resolved by thinking outside the box. i can be guided in a good way focusing on good things which is better for my overall wellbeing.
I saw him once when I was doing my security job. I was working a parking lot and his limo needed a place to park. I think he was in town to judge some local contest.
She lectures at USC, a prestigious, private university. Are there other professors with schizophrenia? I’m sure there are, but maybe for anonymity purposes, they keep their diagnosis close to vest. I know I would.