Annie Rogers is a Lacanian psychologist-analyst with schizophrenia who wrote a fantastic book called “Incandescent Alphabets: Psychosis and the Enigma of Language”. Then there’s also Elyn Sans. Mark Vonnegut was a medical doctor. I am sure there are plenty I’m missing. Anyone care to help me expand my role models? I am sure I will be among this list
pedro27 is up with the best , truth be known
I didn’t know you have an advanced degree and work in mental health.
surely reprogramming the mind is quite remarkable
These ppl only have positive symptoms, most szics don’t get negatives. No way they have negative symptoms.
I Find That Anyone With Thus Illness Who Tries to Go Professional Only Care About Money
Prove Me Wrong
Honestly Jus Seeking Names
With Quotes Preferably
I Have No Real Way to Prove Who or Who Does or Doesn’t Only Care About Their Monetary Thirst And Hunger
Nor Does Anyone Else, Unless Someone Knows The Person Personally, And Feels Like Digging in Their Skeleton Closet
Elyn Saks I think is a psychiatric law expert. Maybe if I had the dough to pay her, there’s lots of people and organizations I could sue into poverty.
But probably not as I’d need evidence.
I have a degree, worked in mental health, and have schizophrenia. And I DEFINITELY experience negative symptoms. It is not fair to state what other people experience for them. Negative symptoms aren’t a death sentance.
What’s the definition of negative symptoms for you? Its staying in bed all day everyday after getting close to get in medschool. I have a physiotherapy degree and its garbage, useless, take it along with my schizophrenia, I don’t need it.
And Don’t Do That
Because Skeletons Are Hungry Creatures With No Belly’s
So. The Feeding Never Ends
<. .> I’ll Leave Now <.
My psychiatrist said not all schizophrenics are able to function in society with meds bcz of severe negative symptoms. I have severe negative symptoms and unable to function in society. I can’t even function in my parents’s house.
I and everyone else keep telling you the first step to overcoming negative symptoms is to force yourself to do something. You stay in bed all day because you don’t believe it is possible to recover beyond where you are now.
Why I didn’t have negative symptoms with Abilify?
This proves that negative symptoms are a medical disease and not psychological.
I never said they werent a medical disease. I said it is possible to push through them amd live a life you are proud of.
I think there was a psychiatrist called Carol North who had sz.
I still remember Sophia Vinogradov’s email reply. She said, roughly, that in her experience, “negative symptoms must be fought continuously and vigorously”. She was blunt and I hated her at first, but she was right.
Another prominent psychiatrist who answered my email was Robert Buchanan. I don’t remember his exact message as it happened 4 years ago, but he was very considerate.
All in all, I’m not sure how much of my recovery was the fruit of my own efforts, how much can be attributed to good medication and how much to chance. But if there exists a higher power, I am thankful for being where I am right now. Schizophrenia is not a death sentence.
Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken
I was part of a study she did on treating negative and cognitive symptoms with behavioral coaching and brain training. It was very helpful.
Haha no! I will eventually, though! (Working towards it.)