Elyn Saks- Law Professor In Ivy League and Schizophrenic- Can anybody match that?

My negative symptoms used to be really really bad, but being social (not just talking to one friend, but like, meeting new people and going places) is the only thing that helped. It was 100% a fake it til you make it situation.

I made a new online friend that lived about a half hour away, so we would occasionally meet up. But I didn’t want her to think poorly of me because I liked talking to her, so I forced myself to shower and show up. We only did lazy things like hang out on each other’s couches or at a coffee shop for a long time, because that’s pretty much as much as I was capable of, but I absolutely credit my painfully forced socialization for improving my negatives.

And it’s a constant struggle. If I have a bad few days and don’t force myself to do things, it definitely gets harder again.

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Thing is since I got negative symptoms I rarely hangout with friends, we mostly video call on whatsapp. They want to hangout but I tell them I cant. On Abilify I hanged out with friends and went to places everyday. Even went to the gym almost everyday.

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The voice of daimonion


Try to find a friend that you’re close enough with that you don’t have to put much effort into getting ready, and go. If they have a car, even better. Tell them a few days or more in advance that you want to hang out but you’re having a hard time, so they should stop by to pick you up at X time and you’ll go, but you shouldn’t have them confirm they’re coming or anything after plans are made.

The easier it is to cancel the harder it’ll be to actually go.

Then day of, brush your teeth or chew some gum, trans a shower or use a washcloth and clean your pits and crotch and put on deodorant, the cleanest clothes you’ve got, and just go.

Even if it’s just outside to sit on the curb together.

Baby steps.

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I personally don’t think it’s healthy comparing ourselves to her. Intelligence wise she did well in the ‘genetic lottery’ of life; that is not something she can take personal credit for. Equally those of us who struggle cognitively are not personally responsible for that.

I can acknowledge her achievements without thinking that makes her a better person than anyone here.


I was hoping someone who was doing as well or better as her would post. But maybe that person or people are not on her due to fear of being tracked or being busy with their lives. Good point @firemonkey.

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What I liked about Ms. Saks is she achieved a lot after getting sick. I read the book “A Beautiful Mind” which indicated Mr. Nash was in sad shape generally after getting sick. He of course came into the mental illness game before a lot of the drugs that were supposed to make us better appeared. Ms. Saks gave a lot of credit to Zyprexa. I just wonder if the meds had helped anyone else to that extent.

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I wonder if he disappeared at the onset of his mental illness or afterwards. I could still play chess after I got sick but I now have a niece who consistently beats me at it when she is on top of her game.

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There are people here who are doing well, but she stacks up very well whether being compared to us or to above average/bright non- mentally ill people. That having been said there are those here with the potential to achieve great things.The raw talent is certainly there.As is the right attitude of mind.

Haha this is hilarious dude. You think John Nash pales in comparison? You think a Nobel and an Abel price pales in comparison?
Ever wondered why the movie was made on him? He was the foremost Mathematician of his time. The only true polymath in the last century. The guy was an out and out genius, like Einstein was a genius, and there isn’t a better story to tell about schizophrenia than that of Nash.

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I also hope to find someone here as successful.

I am nowhere near Saks, but I work in a profession which is even more competitive and entails a lot of pressure. Think of it as playing professional sport. It is that kind of pressure.

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