Not their life stories. Do you like either John Nash or Elyn Sacs as a person. I like Elyn Sacs better.
I know John Nash already died.
I like John Nash cos he’s from West Virginia
Also who’s life story do you like the best. I think I like John Nash’s life story more because I think he suffered more.
My dad read the Beautiful Mind book and I read Elyn Sacs book. He said John Nash’s book said he went to the hospital at least 10 times.
I like them both. John nash is my favorite though.
Did anybody read John Nash’s book?
Yes. I also watched the movie. I read Saks book too.
There’s some things I don’t like about Nash a bit. He was somewhat narcissistic and didn’t take care or accept his child. He was pretty cheap too. Other than that, he was a classic American hero and genius.
There was some concern about his sexuality and his work but I don’t recall much other than some controversy lol.
Nash was stubborn. He didn’t take meds. Saks is the true role model. Both were/are cool though
Elyn Saks is a better example of recovery because John Nash’s achievements were before he got sick while she has been highly functional well after the onset of symptoms.
Both are heroes of mine. Especially Saks because she is med compliant. I read her book and was impressed! I love hearing success stories about this disease!
I think Elyn’s heart is in the right place. She tries to help the mentally ill with legal issues and is a professor.
She has no negative symptoms or cognitive issues, which is a blessing.
Right, which is amazing. I heard that she takes Clozapine.
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