Eyes. Peoples eyes. I couldn’t stop looking at them. That quote, “The eyes are the window to the soul”, was always going through my mind. I couldn’t see anybody in my own eyes. And when I lived in my first group home, if you would have taken me aside and asked me, I could have listed the eye color of all 8 residents and all 7 counselors from memory.
I was 11, that age when you start putting your favorite rock stars posters on your wall. Mine was covered with pictures of The Cranberries - don’t hate it was 1995.
Anyway, I believed they could see me and read my mind. Once I felt so elated because I was positive they telepathically knew who I was that I sat on my bed and cried tears of joy and talked to them. I remember saying, “I knew you could do it! I knew you knew who I was.” Pretty lame, I know.
Is that technically a delusion? I’m not sure.
my earliest delusion was talking to my microwave because I thought it was “bugged” to frame me for a robbery that happened to my boss at the time. @odiledecaray I used to believe pictures later in my delusions could “put an evil spell” on me by looking at them. It was just pictures in magazines and things like that…creepy feeling.
nice new avatar @77nick77 by the way…
I still believe pictures can read my mind.
well honey, you must be delusional?? are you on meds?
Yes, I would say that counts as a delusion. It’s a little sobering finding someone for whom 1995 seems like a long time ago. I believe people on TV and on the radio are giving me messages. I never talk about it because I know the pdoc would increase my med’s if I told him.
@crimby Pssht…1995 seems last last year. I just thought people would hate because I was IN LOVE with The Cranberries. I’ve never met a soul who liked them as much as I did. I mean, my walls were COVERED with pictures of Dolores O’Riordan. She was a goddess to me then. She’s the reason I learned to play guitar and started writing songs.
But, back to delusions, I believed she knew my soul. I believed she knew when I listened to her music. I believed she KNEW me.
Oh, but, yes. I see what you’re saying now. '95 was long ago for me. I’m an 80’s baby and now the world is smothered with 17 year old hipsters lol
I think I only have heard one song by the Cranberries, but I liked it.
Yes, but I’m still delusional and paranoid. I’m on low dose latuda and doc keeps increasing it. But the important thing is I realize they’re delusions. They’re just hard to shake because they’ve been with me so long. I won’t know what to do with myself once they’re gone.
I was born in 1959 - right at the beginning of the sixties. I saw much of the sixties through my older brother’s eyes. He was a hippie freak. There was a sea change in America in the sixties, with the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, and the assassination of John Kennedy. That was a big shock to America. I still remember my sister crying in front of the TV when they announced that.
I was meant to be born in 1945. I hate that I missed out on mid-century furniture and music.
my ex brother in law worked at the Phoenix airport and he mentioned he met the Cranberries as they got off their plane…I was like…“man, that’s so awesome!” I asked him if he got to talk to them and he just said, “the female singer in the band sure is teeny”…I was floored. I used to also think the Cranberries music was about me…their songs plus all the other bands I listened to…I thought movies were about me too.
I’d be ashamed to admit it around some of my friends, but I sometimes listen to the Carpenters. My brother would disown me if he knew that.
I love the Carpenters but it depresses me for some reason. I just keep thinking about how Karen died I guess. such a songbird that one.
My earliest delusion was my dad and and step-mother were poisoning my food. Sounds kinda passé and lame, but I was 12, my mom had just passed away, and I was adjusting to a quickly forced-on-me step-mother who would conveniently become an abuser. Maybe I wasn’t too far off - my dad tried to get the hospitals to keep me longer. My step-mother did everything she could to force me out of their freshly minted marriage.
The not eating food went on for quite some time. I’d say about 3 months of not eating at home. Nothing. I subsisted off of cafeteria food at school. It may not sound like much, but being 12 years old it dramatically effected me.
I don’t know if this counts as a delusion or just an overactive imagination, but when I was seven or eight, maybe younger, I thought the devil lived at the top of my stairs. I knew what he looked like, though I never saw him. He was a giant floating red head with a huge gaping black mouth. Whenever I had to go downstairs in the dark, I would have to run through him at top speed to make it to nthe stairs safely.
Is that a delusion or a fixation? Lol.
My first delusion was that I was a werewolf princess. Man it got so in depth detailed. Got it when I was 5 and believed it firmly until like…13? 14? When my delusions all started becoming religious/spiritual.
Um, a delusion.
I believed pictures of people were watching me and reading my mind
They may have been a fixation lol