E-cigarettes more effective than nicotine gums, patches to stop smoking, study finds


I quit with the patch it worked for me. I tried an e cig when I smoked and felt absolutely nothing.

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Well done on quitting !

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Maybe i just had the wrong type of e cig. It was the most basic one at a gas station.

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Yes. I didn’t give up cigarettes until I went up the ecig food chain. I too found the lower end ones to be a bit useless. Ecigs can be like meds in that you have to find the right combo for yourself.

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I found quitting cold turkey was the easiest, just get it over with. It takes some determination though.

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Congratulations on quitting.

I quit cold turkey once. It was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done but I managed it. Then during my first hospitalisation when I was psychotic I started smoking again. Literally a moment of madness ! :joy:

I hope to give up vaping some day.

i went from cigs to vape than back to cigs after getting vape juice in my mouth multiple times than just stopped altogether and havent touched it in like 6 months only smoked cigs and vaped for like a few months altogether somewhat just experimenting to see what nicotine had to offer which i found out was not very pleasant for me

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