Doing my bit for research!

So had a zoom interview for an hour today. I must admit I’ve a bit of a stake in it as it’s my Aunty by marriage who is doing the research and she’s sz aff. She is basically doing her thesis or masters on different streams of consciousness particularly psychosis.

I’ve never really revisited the topic since I was diagnosed so it was an interesting interview for me. It was actually good to answer questions and form a bit more of an idea of what I went through. Interesting process and it’s for science. It’s a legit process and I had to do a survey first before the interview and she had to have a psychologist on call in case I felt I needed some help to process it all.

Unfortunately it’s only allowed by her ethics guidelines to be an Australian only survey but I’m glad I did it. Funny that the hour went quickly and I can talk through water as usual. :slight_smile:


When they studied me at Stanford they gave me lunch. Did your Aunt give you anything, money or otherwise?


Came with a supermarket gift card @77nick77 . I didn’t really want it but it’s paid by the philosophy department of her university! I didn’t say no! I don’t even know what the value was…


Here in the states they have a phone number on the back to call to check the balance. Or a code you can use online to check the balance.


Yeah same here. Haven’t got it yet because My Aunty was having problems with the digital one so is sending me a hardcopy via mail. I’ll let you know when I get it because I’m embarrassed to ask what it’s worth haha.


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