Does schizophrenia run in your family?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

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No one in my family and the family members I know have a mental illness.


Not schizophrenia, but anxiety and depression run in my dads side of the family.


No one in my family has it that i know of either.

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Sz my mothers side. Two Aunties with sz but wish I’d known that when I first met the mental health system. Depression…that is dads side. I got both.

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Sza, sz, depression, bipolar, anxiety, and psychotic depression all run very high in my family.

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My brother started showing symptoms several months ago.

My memory is faulty, but I swear my mom said we have a distant relative that could move objects with her mind, hence the psychic connection – the only one. Probably labeled schizophrenia or bipolar back then, or just weird or odd. That’s about it. This was like a great great great aunt or something.

I’m sad that my niece is experiencing some mental health problems, but don’t think it will turn into what I have. She is gifted intellectually and creative, just lacks focus and drive. That’s about it.

There’s a lot of family history we don’t know because we don’t know a lot about our family. I thought I had Asperger’s mild and even was told by a few and diagnosed professionally as such. I have schizo-affective disorder too but sometimes question if I really have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder or something from trauma as an adult). It could be both or it could be nothing and I might not have it. I just realize I’m in a real time loop or causal loop and I have severe trauma from it and aliens and mean people.

I don’t know.

I have an uncle who killed himself,

The family was very quiet about his diagnosis and treatment.

I imagine he had schizophrenia.

It had to have come from somewhere.


Sorry to hear about your uncle @GoldenRex


Thank you.

I didn’t know him, but he was a gifted sculptor.

My aunt has two of his works, they’re beautiful.


Not sz but mann severe bipolar runs rampant in my moms side of the family

I think I mightve caught the worse end of that. So I put not sure

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Pretty sure my dad had it, I’ve only met him a few times but my mom said he was in and out of mental hospitals. Thanks a lot you junkie piece of sh*t.

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I suspect that there could be on both sides of the family but it is not talked about.

My mum’s side, she mentioned something after I was diagnosed but then decided to change it to I don’t know when I suggested that this predisposes me.

My dad’s side there were some signs that were seemingly obvious but the person according to my dad denies they have it.

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No immediate family.
A cousin of my father
had schizophrenia,
and had hospitalised,
when he was young,
but now he seems fine.

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No, just me. But it’s more like a sprint.

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I have heard that sz may
pass even 7 generations
before it appears.
Maybe a grand grand father
had schizophrenia


Same here I think that’s where I got my illness from


I also have a couple of distant relatives who had mental health problems on my mums side 1 who was taking barbiturates who was afraid of people and saw fairys at the bottom of her garden she commited suicide another was sent to the priory so I dont know never diagnosed though

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Mental illness is heavy in my family, including sz/sza

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