Does psychosis make you spend lots of money?

I spend lots of money when in psychosis. I wonder if its mania


ive been bad with spending money my whole life it just shifted from being a kid getting pizza delivery every week to tech and games, nicotine and groceries and essentials, and a bit of saving


Nobody here is a doctor and we’re not supposed to diagnose others but it sure as hell seems like your “negative symptoms” are depression and truthfully if I were you I’d go get checked for either bipolar or sza bipolar type I’m almost :100: sure it is that idk I’m not a psychiatrist

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But my symptoms are too severe to be depression imo and i am always like that, i thought in bipolar they are not depressed 100% of the time?

Depression can last a long time so can mania

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Also my drs always refused to prescribe me serotonin antidepressants, they only allowed me Wellbutrin and that did not help, it even made my anger issues worse

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Is there a reason because antidepressants can trigger severe mania like you can become more manic and destructive on ssri’s than you can with not taking meds

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Idk why but I told them on Abilify and off meds I spend money like crazy. Though now I have very little money and I put it in saving account frozen for when I get older

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I am afraid if I go back on Abilify or go off meds I will even burn all the saving money I have. When I was spending like crazy I was buying stuff I used like once, like 10 vapes, expensive clothing, pc components and video games, ate daily at restaurants multiple times, etc I also travelled to other countries when I was off meds, i bought a 600$ coat, i had a full time job and still had debts on my credit card, my parents helped me pay them back then i cancelled my credit card

Honestly back then spending money felt good

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So did me vandalizing the school when I was 14 and in full manic psychosis it didn’t mean it was any good it’s a destructive state of mind

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Friends in my school wanted me to steal the school prejectors with them, i told them no. They were worth 4000$ each back then


I wonder too @Aziz. But we’re not pdocs. If I were you, I would get a second opinion. Not our stupid opinions.

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Honestly they weren’t true good friends, they were using me for their bad behavior, they constantly got into physical fights with others.

My friends now are good they don’t steal or get into fights or do drugs not even weed or tobacco. Only one very rarely drinks when we used to go to bars

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Idk why i get anger issues off meds or when i lower my ap, are anger issues sz?

I didn’t mean to offend you, you’re no bad. I did bad stuff too when I was younger

Oh, I can do that when I’m stable, too.


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I’m not the least bit offended I’m trying to show you mania is a terrible thing to have

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Yes, but not in a manic way. More that I’m disorganized and forget to pay a bill…feel bad and overspend on small luxuries like a coffee or lunch to cheer myself up…don’t check my administration well enough and miss some stupid deadline, and suddenly pay a few hunderds.


Believe it or not that’s normal and everyone does stuff like that atleast once in their lifetime