For me I find no matter what I eat. healthy or not it doesn’t really improve anything or make anything worse.
Also I find I eat healthier food when I am doing better mentally.
If I am doing worse mentally then my diet generally goes to whatever is easiest to make or buy.
I think comfort eating is really serious thing. It’s not necessarily easy to get over cos the effects of binge eating have such a powerful short term feel good effect. It also gives something to look forward to do eat loads of stuff that u can plan for ahead of time if u want.
But long terms it’s absolutely awful for me personally
■■■■, I almost posted, but I’ve learned not to post on food or exercise issues. However, I will say, Your diet 100% affects your health which means your mental heath, too!
I’ve never eaten well. I don’t eat much but I eat well. That is changing since I’ve been put on the ap. Eating well for a long time probably helps with everything, both mental and physical health.
I think they affect each other. My eating habits are strongly affected by the meds. My ability to work out is strongly affected by the meds. And they affect each other, too.
A bad diet worsens mental illness and a relapsed mental illness can definitely adversely affect diet. But, a great diet will not necessarily make you well. Just like a bad diet will not make you MI.
I will say I went on strict healthy diet for a good year, and it made no difference for me. Now just eat the best I can. but that isnt really what I was getting at.
Its just I have heard from many people. ‘‘oh just eat really healthy and exercise and you will improve’’
If that was the magic elixir, I would eat the healthiest out of anyone I know for the rest of my life.