So I really want to start taking care of my body physically. The inside and out, mainly by starting to eat healthier. Do y’all know foods that should be avoided that can cause anxiety, depression, sz triggers, etc?
I did Whole30 in September at the suggestion of my rheumatologist. It’s an elimination diet. You remove a bunch of stuff for 30 days, then one by one reintroduce them. I found that I don’t react well to a lot of things, but especially soy and sugar make my mental health a lot worse. So I avoid those now. I’ve noticed a big difference.
If you want to be healthy you need to eat less and exercise more.
Do you remember the food pyramid?
For me eggs seem to help.
For others they say thst a keto diet or gluten free diet helps.
Gluten free diets only work if you have celiac.
The reason people think they work is because they start making all their food from scratch instead of buying premade or takeaway.
I believe the best thing you can do to help yourself is to avoid sugar and processed foods. But I don’t listen to my own advise because apparently I’m an idiot.
@anon99082702 yes i do remember the food pyramid and yes I definitely need to get back to working out.
@Leaf your not an idiot
Thank you @Longhorn21 but when it comes to sugar for some reason I am. Well maybe not an idiot but definitely an addict. I try so hard but it just so tasty.
Not necessarily. I mean, largely, yes. But there are still people that are sensitive to gluten without having Celiac’s. I’m one of them. I did a proper elimination diet and reintroduced gluten with homemade noodles. Super basic and nothing processed. The gluten made my migraines much worse.
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