I’m wondering if anyone works part time and collects social security
I’ve worked part time for many years and collected SSDI.
Did they ever want to discontinue off of disability
I can’t remember the last time I had a review, it must have been 5 or 6 years ago. I just filled out the forms and told them I can’t work full time and support myself.
Nice and you have been working this whole time part time and collecting Ssdi , im sorry if I sound desperate I just really want to make money for my newborn baby @77nick77
Yes, I’m from the U.S. The SSA knows all about my work, I can earn up to $1200 a month and still collect SSDI.
Yeah, I get it.
Have you tried working since you got ill? Do you collect social security now? There’s rules for working like what they call a “trial work period” where you can try working and still collect SSDI (I don’t know about SSI). I would advise either going on the SSA website or calling the national phone number and asking them about social security and working.
I don’t know all your circumstances and I don’t know all the rules so I can’t help you but you can call 800-772-1213 and talk to a social security agent who can tell you all the rules for working while collecting benefits. Or you can either call your local social security office or go down in person with all your questions.
If you plan on calling them, they get really busy around the middle of the day and later on so it’s best to call early when they first open.
I work part time and i collect disability. Im the custodian of my apartment buiding. Its a sweet job. I work two days a week. And i just got a raise from 20$ an hour to 24$ i live in a great one bedroom .
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