How long can you work part time and collect disability?

Happy thanksgiving. How long can you work part time and still receive disability?

Are you in the US receiving ssdi or ssi?

Yes im in the US receiving ssdi.

There’s a trial work period of 9 months where you can earn more than the sga amount. If you are earning less than sga I think you can work indefinitely. sga is $1,220 I think. (for 2019)


sga stands for substantial gainful activity, in other words gainfully employed

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Ok thankyou so much

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you bet, are you thinking about going to work?

Yes i am, but i want to continue collecting my disability income because i cant work full time.

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You can do quite well if you keep it under $1,220 plus collect the SSDI. Then you’ll have the money and the self-esteem boost too.

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You have to make less than like $850 for it not to count as a trial work month

Yes thankyou. I want to become more independent.

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Oh ok thankyou.

then once you have 9 trial work months what happens? Do they cut you off disability or start reducing your disability?

You have to make less than SGA and get to keep it for 36 months or you lose it if you make more. I make more and lost it but still have Medicare

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