I’m thinking of getting one, does anyone here have one and how do you get on?
My family has three Escooters, no Ebikes. I think @Azley has an Ebike.
My sister has an e-bike and she loves it. I can get the information if you want it
i have one its a good investment. gets you around and you dont have to pay for gas. its cheaper than the bus. so for me its a no brainer.
I have a Ebike 21 speed 500W. I like it allot but the battery will not give you the miles that they say unless your as light as a feather and have it in self assist most of the time.
I dont even know what an ebike is. I’m so out of touch with you youngsters and your fancy modes of locomotion.
does the E stand for electric?
Eletric Bike and I’m 51. it helps me get around
I want to pedal as well, i want some exercise. it was just the hills that killed me,
I worked out i spend about £13 a day all in for the car for the whole year, and ebike would cost 20% of that, 10wks would pay for a £1k e-bike
Im saving for an e mountain bike. I tried one recently it was amazing.
Imma race you!
And yer hippo too.
I love my e-bike. I live someplace hilly and the bike works out great. Also makes you less sweaty.
No, but I want one or a scooter. I can’t afford.one, but it would save me a lot of gas.
I’ve put 150 miles on my ebike already just from commuting and visiting the grocer.
I mean I’ve got no complaints… range and charging dynamics could be better… all the same… it’s not uncomfortable to me at all.
oddly childish to have a throttle on the handlebar of my bike and likely enjoy every minute of it
I assume that the way you get on it is you sit on the seat and put your feet on the dedals and hands on the handle bars.
It takes a while to get the cost of the scooter back. I have gone over 1,000km on scooters this summer, but that only works out to about $120 in gas savings.
I have a short ride to work. It’s everything else that is far.
The only headache I used to have during my work commute was not tripping over the cat as she had to come downstairs with me and snooze next to me.
You actually sit on the rear tire incase your brakes fail then you just squeeze your butt cheeks together.
I don’t know what the power is like on the eBikes, but I have to be careful on my scooter because of how powerful it is. I can easily burn out with front and back tires at the same time:
It has dual 1200W motors that peak at 1800W. It will basically go straight up the side of a building if I need it to. I bought it more for the range than the power.