Does anybody have a girl friend or a boyfriend, or is married and has a healthy relationship.
I have a very healthy relationship with my partner. It’s just gone two years together
I dated my current wife for a year and got married this year.I think our relationship is still healthy,I am just afraid this illness can make things goes wrong.I never believe
I knew a girl with sz in real life.She got married,but 2 years after she told me she is divorced.This make me distrust my ability even if I am on meds or not.
She is a very clever girl,although her looks is just ok.She had friends and work but still ended up divorce.Schizophrenic getting divorce or not having relationship on studies doesn’t encourage me being one myself
I have a boyfriend.
He said next year we might get engaged.
See how we go​:slightly_smiling_face:
Hate to turn this into sex V sex but I swear its a lot easy dating as a woman SZ where the man can provide for you and make sure you have what you need, V a man as SZ where you are incapable of bringing home the bacon and thus deemed not useful. (edit:I mean as far as straight relationships go)
I’ve been married 12 years, 7 after being diagnosed. We’ve been through a lot of challenges, and have some we’re still going through in life, but our marriage is very strong. We also have 2 children, but we do very well. It’s a lot of dedication, love, grace, and faith in one another and ourselves. We also have religious faith that’s gotten us through a lot.
Not since I was diagnosed. She left me because I couldn’t pay rent or work. She said I am doing nothing in my life and can’t sleep in her house for free. I can’t get disability money in Canada because I live with my parents.
We left each other 9 years ago when I was 21.
Reality is that ppl with severe SZ and negative symptoms can’t have relationships. If you look at statistics most SZs are single and there is more single men than single woomen.
That’s not always true. Don’t make blanket statements.
Yeah I agree. I think it might be more difficult but it doesn’t mean it cant or doesn’t happen.
I have a healthy marriage. I love my husband and her loves me. We talk about everything and we get along great.
I mean there are worse SZs than me on this forum but there is much better SZs than me. I would say there is 70-80% SZs better than me here. Its the negative and cognitive symptoms that are killing me.
Not kidding that made me laugh. Talk about awkward!
Hope they understood your condition and you weren’t being intentionally hurtful.
2.5 years in a relationship never argue but its inevitable when we live together… i mean I’m not exactly easy to live with …
Why don’t you start a poll and find out for sure?!?!?
I wouldn’t feel bad if it was intentional. Only my parents know I have SZ. I hide my SZ from other ppl by lying that I feel good, work and have a gf because I don’t want them to feel sad or laught at me.
I don’t know how to make polls and it wouldn’t help me in my recovery to know who’s better than who.
It was just that you seemed to be viewing who is sicker than who and trying to make out your suffering is more when you have no idea who is on this site and what they go through on a daily basis
yes we are happy in love. it’s really all that gets me by these days…