Does anybody have a healthy relationship with being married or dating relationship

I’ve been married 15 years and it’s good.


I am talking from a medical point of view not personal. As a person, we’re all equal.

Ppl here obviously don’t all have the same level of SZ. Do you agree?

Have you talked to your doctor about readjusting meds to try to help with that? I understand it’s scary trying different medications, but there could be something out there that could help your symptoms. I recently adjusted meds and it helped me a lot. I was scared, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I think we get stuck thinking there’s no way to improve how we feel when there could be solutions out there.

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SZ is a spectrum, but it’s not a competition on how ill you are compared to others on the forum.

We’re here to support each other, not talk about how ill you are compared to everyone else.

Many people here have been living with these problems for decades in some cases.

The illness fluctuates in severity dependent on many factors throughout someones life and is not static for a lot of people.

I am sorry you have problems, but don’t diminish the suffering of others in a bid to highlight how ill you are by saying you’re iller than 70-80% of people here.

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Mr. Star and I never argued even once until we had kids. Now, we argue about once every other month. When we had the babies, we very nearly broke up from the stress, but with Starlet, it is much easier.


That 70 to 80 percent thing you say is really a huge guess. I mean you have no idea what people are going through in their minds.

I have to remind myself of this too. I think I have it bad but at the end of the day I’m not in anyones mind. So it is impossible to compare.


I’ve been in a relationship for 18 months but I’ve known him about 4 or 5 years.

It’s not always easy and he has aspergers…and me with my mental health but we love each other and care about one another.

I never thought it would be possible with my sz. But it is possible.

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My psy said Abilify is the best for negative symptoms. I tried 4 antipsychotics and on Abilify I was the best but I developped serious side effects like addictions and compulsions, gambling, compulsive shopping, hypersexuality etc

I will try Risperdal and Sarcosine supplement this 6 May. I read they’re good for negative symptoms.


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I’ve been married for almost eight years. When I got engaged my relapse had already started but I thought it was merely depression - I didn’t know my sza was returning. So never told my then-fiance about my sza. But when it was rediagnosed as sz and then sza and I went to hospital six more times, my husband stayed with me and supported me and still does. He has epilepsy and so we support each other and depend heavily on one another. He earns money to support me and I do driving and housework and cook.


Married for 17 years on June 13 and been together for 20. Lots of ups and downs, I was diagnosed wayyyyyyy before he knew me. He has severe MI in his family, so kinda fatal attraction type thing. But I haven’t killed him, so win? Lol

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I’m not married, but that is only because we’re lazy. My partner and i have been together for 12 years. It is a good relationship.

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