I want a girlfriend but with my diagnosis I don’t know if that will happen. I’ve only been in a relationship once before psychosis…
I’m married. My husband has extreme anxiety, clinical depression, and a spine injury. I’m diagnosed sza. But we’re happy being with each other.
I’m married… I’m actually married to a mostly normal guy… He takes anxiety meds every night and has migraines but we seem to have found something that works on him… He’s very soft spoken and shy in a lot of ways… He understands I have problems and he’s fine with that… We actually met after my diagnosis and while I was fighting for disability… I even met him online!
Married since July of 2000. One daughter age twenty. I have SZ.
I’ve been married had kids and now I’m living with my ex I think life is a path of many choices some we cannot choose for others it is simple there is nothing left to lose
I was divorced 34 years ago after an almost 7 year long marriage.
I’m not in a romantic relationship now.
My former gf is now my bff and totally platonic.
Presently, I can’t think of anyone being able to convince me to get married. Horrible, sexist institution.
My parents had a very bad relationship. My former best friend’s parents didn’t share a bedroom, for a while; they probably should have got divorced, instead.
My situation is the exact same as @DrZen but not sharing a bedroom like @vangoghs said. We are trying to do the best for our three children aged 15-10.
My wife keeps using me for sex. I feel so degraded.
I’m in a relationship and have a 4 month old. Like you I used to think I’d be alone forever with my diagnosis. I met my partner at my CMHT walking group. He has aspergers.
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