Do your voices/thoughts save your life?

When I was suicidal my thoughts would say things like will put you in a coma and torture you and go after your family if you kill yourself. Even now if I get the word suicide in my mind that happens. I’m not suicidal now thank god.

I also want to start a debate rather schizophrenia or depression are worse mental illnesses. I’m in the camp of depression being the worst. I’ve never been depressed for a extended amount of time. I’ve felt it for a few hrs day most. It’s lethal and horrible. I think as mental healthcare get better they’ll start recognizing depression as worse.

I’m not talking about feeling bad for a little bit. This would include severe depression.

Can I hear from somebody with both and if also like to hear @Ninjastar Opinion?

I don’t really experience depression. But I think there’s no point in debating which mental illness is worse. The answer will be different for everybody. The severity of each illness varies so much. One person’s schizophrenia might be worse than their depression. Another person’s depression might be worse than their schizophrenia. It’s very subjective.

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Does depression really get recognized as being serious? I don’t think it does enough.

I had depressive bipolar for 15 years. I didn’t become schizoaffective until hitting age 30. In my opinion, being depressed is far easier than dealing with hallucinations, delusions, and negatives. It only felt like the worst thing in the world at the time because I didn’t have anything else to compare it to.

I think I see what you’re getting at, (1 in 5 people)apparently have depression or anxiety(or a mix), I think. And that makes people yawn, and they don’t recognize the unadulterated anguish in some who really have it severe.

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