Do your think your illness burns itself out as you get older?

Hey guys, as above, thoughts? Form a personal viewpoint i think mine has, i am 46 now and i have had schizophrenia since i was 19, so thats nearly 27 years!

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I think it evolves as we grow older.

There’s like an ebb and flow to it.

Also, as we understand how to better manage our symptoms, perhaps the strain of it lessens.


Yep schztuna, i would agree with that!

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Sz is my normality, over the years I got used to it. I don’t know any better, being alone with my crap. The forum is helping, I am happy we got the internet.

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My symptoms started lessening in middle age just like I always heard they would. Some symptoms went away, some delusions went away. Now at 60 my mind often slows down and I get peaceful. I’m about 200% better than I was the first three years of it when I was 19-22. I still have symptoms but if left alone, like at work, I have peace of mind.

Positives go down, negatives go up.

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