Do your medications wear off?

Do your medications wear off around the time you’re due for your next dose? Can anything be done to fix this?

I take my olanzapine right at bedtime and I feel it wear off daily when I’m getting closer to being due for the next dose. I wish it lasted longer in my system.

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Used to happen to me until I increased my dose with help of dr.


I get an injection and I don’t notice it wearing off.


Thanks @Aziz

I’m glad that this doesn’t happen to you anymore. I am over the max dose of olanzapine so I can’t increase it more unfortunately.

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I think if you split the dose take some during day it will stay longer in your system, talk about it with your dr.

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Thanks @anon47703785

I didn’t know that about injections. I will have to ask my dr about this. I don’t know if the Zyprexa injection is very popular. Hmmmm my dr who just retired never spoke about it. I don’t know why.

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I wanted Zyprexa injections but my psychiatrist wanted me to take Invega injections instead so that’s what I take. Other people on the forum say they notice their injections wearing off early but I don’t for some reason.

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Thanks @Aziz

I will have to ask my dr about this too. I used to take it split morning and bedtime. I think it made me tired but I will ask my dr to see what she says. I just got a new dr (previous one retired).

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Also Drs sometimes go above max dose, my pdoc wanted me try 40mg Olanzapine but 6mg risperidone worked and with much less weight gain.

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