Do You Think It Is Right For People To Promote Their Mental Health On Social Media Platforms?

Iam no longer on any form of Social Media, but somethings still get me slightly angry when people promote their Mental Health Conditions on Social Media.Do you guys think this a Bad or Good thing, and who doe’s it really benefit anyway?.Comments and thoughts much appreciated.Thanks

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I would not advertise that I have schizophrenia to anyone on social media. It’s dangerous, stigmatizing, and a warning to other normal people that we schizophrenics should be dealt with caution or be feared of.

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I wouldn’t say I promote my illness, but I am honest about it.
I don’t mind people talking about their illnesses, as long as it doesn’t turn into “look at me, I’m special” or “my horse is taller than yours”


This forum is safe to talk about schizophrenia since no normal person would dare talk about it here.

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Speak for yourself.

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I would not like it if someone posted for pity.

However, if it’s promoting mental health issues I think it’s a good thing to happen.

Schizophrenia is way off having mass posting like you get for anxiety and depression

Being proud of any illness is not my thing.
Some SZs are criminals because of their severe SZ or because they fail to take meds.
That scares ppl and make them think that all SZs are dangerous so no I won’t tell strangers or collegues that I have SZ.

My parents and my best friends know, that’s enough, not on social media.


I think it’s not a good thing. I prefer to hide my mental health condition if it’s posible.


I have a blog where I discuss my mental health journey and no one leaves any negative remarks on my blog.


For me it is not a good thing. This illness makes me fragile more than ever what will happen in the future too. I just don’t feel comfortable announcing my condition to everyone. It feels awful to do that

I was on a Facebook group about schizophrenia five or six years ago. I thought it was a private group and I started to write openly about my mental health condition. One day I realised that it wasn’t a private group. All my contacts had seen my comments about me and my life with schizophrenia!! I felt so desperate. So I decided to write a message for all my contacts. I wrote something like: Now you know I have a mental illness called schizophrenia. If you want to keep on being my friend, that’s fine. And if you don’t, then delete me.
So many of them deleted me and if it wasn’t enough, they blocked me too.

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My music forum and political forum members know I’m schizophrenic. They treat me normally.

But I don’t ‘sad fish’…looking for pity…etc.

It’s just a part of who I am so I have no qualms about letting others know about my affliction.

Why? Are you normal like the rest of society or mentally ill like us here on this forum?

Ouch. Definitely keep schizophrenia secret.

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I talk about it when I feel like it. It’s hard to keep secret because I talk about time travel lol. I don’t care what people think. I only have 6 facebook friends and they are my close family. Anyone that is bothered about me talking about it or that I have it can get lost!


People talk about depression and anxiety on social media all the time, why is it that when it comes to schizophrenia, you cannot talk about it. And when you talk about it, it would be “dangerous, stigmatizing and to be feared of”. Both are mental illnesses. The self stigma is what causes people to be so afraid of us.

That’s because depression and anxiety don’t lead to psychosis and the term psycho labels us. There are news stories of schizophrenics behaving, acting and doing things that one would call psychotic which includes killing people.

Yea I hate fb, no privacy. Everything you write or comment can be seen by your friends, there is no option to disable that. Once I commented on an article about weed (Marijuana) and my brother told me to delete my comment. I never write anything SZ related on social media except this forum.

Even if a schizophrenic is to kill someone, he would kill one person, usually a love one. There was just a mass shooting the past weekend in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was committed by a “normal” person with a job as a denturist. He killed 19 people. I would say a “normal” person without mental illness is equally capable of acts of extreme violence. The fact you and the other people with schizophrenia never talk about it, perpetuates the stigma and discrimination. Stigma will never go away if you never speak up.


Severe SZs and those that don’t take meds or when meds don’t work, SZs commit more crimes than normal ppl (5x more). I personally become easily triggered and violent without meds especially if I have access to weapons like knifes. It all depends on SZ severity. Some SZs kill their own mother for no reason, criminals kill for a reason.

Wikipedia Schizophrenia:
“Another study found about 8-10% of people with schizophrenia had committed a violent act in the past year compared to 2% of the general population.”

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