To talk about schizophrenia on social media…
I’m constantly seeing people talk about depression or anxiety or even bipolar… but never schizophrenia or schizoaffective
To talk about schizophrenia on social media…
I’m constantly seeing people talk about depression or anxiety or even bipolar… but never schizophrenia or schizoaffective
I agree. There seems to be so much less stigma attached to other mental illnesses
Everybody is depressed or anxious these days. It’s very mainstream. Even bipolar is to some extent. Sz and sza are still very hush hush.
Most of the people who know me know that I struggle with depression. I am happy to leave it there. I tell close family members about voices and paranoia but other people don’t get the full story.
I think it would be great if there were more examples to look to of people who had recovered or were managing symptoms who ended up living full lives. There’s definitely some people on this forum I think who are doing a good job of it. Sometimes I think that’s why I like this forum, it reminds that there people who are worse off and it also inspires me that there are those doing better.
Living well with schizophrenia has 134k followers. It started with hundred. Here is link.
I think that @everhopeful found this year ago…
Oh wow, this is awesome! Thanks for the link.
Schizophrenia affects such a small potion of the population (about 1%) and is often described as one of the most debilitating mental health conditions. Most people can’t be bothered learning about something that affects so few people and when they do hear about it, it is usually something bad in the news.
Depression and Anxiety are much more common, even more so during this pandemic so a lot of people understand them and relate to them or know someone affected by them.
Stigma around schizophrenia has a long way to go.
I think a lot of it is because people generally get scared when they hear things about voices or people being followed.
If they’re not somewhat educated about it, it’s harder for them to understand than a “I feel sad” type social media status.
I’m thinking about deleting my Facebook. Just a lot of shitty behavior on it. Plus I’m sick of all the politics on it.
Yeah I’m familiar with this girls videos.
She tries to educate the masses on SZ/SZA matters.
I like her stuff.
She is diagnosed with SZA
Yeah, I was just complaining to my mom about it… I told her I think it’s because it’s “not relatable”. She said she thinks it’s because people don’t know how to react/respond.
Im only not sure who was the source.
I think is very interesting and supportive.
But Lauren lives and works in Canada, Im not sure how the second and third world would understand it, not bc of language, but stigma.
If I started that in East Europe, Id be linched…
Sz is generally a much more serious illness than anxiety and depression. Sz is lifelong while anxiety and depression can transient and more likely don’t need meds.
I see in my neighbourgood sz homeless people…
No one cares…
I have seen homeless ppl here who talk nonsense to themeselves, maybe to their voices. Yea its sad.
The prognosis of anxiety and depression is much better than sz prognosis.
I talked to a priest in near by monastery to go to live there, and help with the stuff like kitchen or some work.
I traveled to there two hours with my wardrobe, waited four hours to talk to him.
I was in bad shape mentally but aware of situation.
He turned me of, bc he thought Im unreliable, and said you can come on service friday, thats when we pray for mentally ill…
But for ex addicts its no problem…
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