Honest opinion, what do you think about sharing your schizophrenia publicly?

There are many people who share their struggles with depression, anxiety, mental health, and schizophrenia in blogs, youtube, vlogs and other things like that.

Do you think it is a good thing to share? Or do you think it is not? Do you think it could potentially affect you someday? What if your employer found out? Or what if your co-workers or even friends found out?

This is a big fear of mine. I started a small YouTube channel a few years ago and it seemed to resonate with many people looking for answers and insight into schizophrenia. I eventually deleted it when some real life friends found my channel. I’ve since decided to start the channel again, not because I feel my story is particularly compelling, but simply because if I can help even 1 person or their family, it is worth it.

But is it worth it? I want to travel more, I want to have a good career and job. Could this potentially harm me in the future if someone were to find my channel and learn about the intimate details of my mental health? And no, I do not share my personal details as far as surname, location, etc. I would like your honest opinion, good or bad. Thank you.


People do not accept sz yet at all. You could be discriminated against or even victimized over others knowing. On the other hand someone has to be a trailblazer and educate others and destigmatize sz. But does it have to be you? Only you can answer that.


I think it’s a wonderful idea.

The more honest you are about it, the more people will respect it.
It’s all about the presentation, how to word it and such.


It is, for sure. I take pride in the fact that I try and present my schizophrenia as something to overcome, something that can be overcome, and that you can life a full, rich, and normal life. That is my message, for sure. And of course to inform people about schizophrenia and to help people with schizophrenia.

Still, I am afraid of people finding out, and the potential ramifications it could have later in my life.


I think @LilyoftheValley nailed it. Society will never accept schizophrenia in my lifetime anyway
I ha e a YouTube channel
And have 1k subscribers. But I have never talked about mental illness on there. I would love to and show the public we are not dangerous psychopaths, but I haven’t worked up the nerve yet to do it for the same reasons as you
I watch a lot of schizophrenia videos
and at least half of them on there just seem like attention seeking people who have no clue what they are saying. They seem fake.
That’s the videos that makes me want to make a real video of informative educated
Information and have some dialogue along with it answering questions.
But there a few several channels who really are schizophrenics and I am subbed to their channels.
I don’t know I want too but I’m scared the wrong people will get ahold of it and have a field day.


It’s definitely probable that some of my videos fall into this category, as much as I hate to admit it. I’m not the best spokesperson. And this thread is not about me wanting any feedback about my channel, if you know it or not.

The more and more I think about it, really think about it, and here your responses, the more I really do not like being in the public sphere with this. I thought I would, it has helped me grow, I have absolutely helped some people, at least in the comments they have shared. But maybe I’ve outgrown this. Maybe it was something I needed to get off my chest, to get through. I would hate to be a coward though, and admit defeat in some way. But maybe it’s not like that, maybe it’s OK to let it go?

I hope someone will tell me it’s OK to let it go.


My work know because I had to explain why I was in hospital for two weeks.

They’re ok about it. Only my manager knows and HR.

I proved myself to be useful. I guess that’s transferable other situations, but I wouldn’t openly discuss it with anyone.

My dirty secret. But I guess most people have baggage of some kind.


There’s definitely laws in place for protection about your disability in the workplace, that is one thing. But to openly share your story on a social media platform, that to me is quite different. There are no laws protecting you there.

I don’t know. Feels weird.

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To me it’s nobody business.

I tried to setup a website that told peoples stories about Schizophrenia and tried to publicise it as best as I could to try and breakdown some barriers, but safe to say it feel on deaf ears…

I kept everything anon.


It’s absolutely wise to let go of anything once you have weighed it in the balance.
I sure hope I didn’t tAlk you out of something that you might really like to do. It’s just that our illness comes with so much baggage that I don’t want it to come back and haunt you either.


I dont know.

I think only you can decide and nobody knows how it can backfire or help you.

Im open with family, friends, church and at work. Im not at my sons school or internet sites with my personal information or with random new people. I speak publicly about psychosis and schizophrenia at work and my own experiences in this area, give presentations and talk to people. Sometimes there can be stigma or difficult ideas. Yesterday one of the social workers who works with psychotic people admitted she wonders at times if it is demonic possession. Sometimes people talk about my back. It happens. Im okay with it, even if it hurts at times, it is worth it. I refused to go public with my story in front of a large public in a theater/concert show though. That felt too uncontrolled: I dont know who is watching. Internet feels the same.


I’ve decided to remove my videos from YouTube and delete my channel. I think it doesn’t diminish the bit that I did help, or the people I did help, I just no longer feel it’s in my best interest to keep it. I don’t feel good about it, and I’m ready to leave it behind. I appreciate all the feedback. Everyone is right, this is something you should decide for yourself, ultimately.


Only a select few people know my diagnosis, everyone else I just jokingly call it “my brain thing” just to keep it low key, if and when ever it comes up


I recently posted on Facebook that I have schizophrenia but quickly deleted it.

The main reason is my family.

They pretty much told me not to post such things on Facebook and that there’s a lot of stigma and nothing you talk about.

My mum still refuses to believe in or accept my diagnosis.

It took me over twenty years to say I have schizophrenia.

I wanted to come “out of the closet “ but the family I’m living with said the whole world doesn’t have to know and it’s good to have privacy.

I probably would tell people if it wasn’t for my family being against it.

A man recently asked why I’m on the pension and I replied I rather not talk about it because it’s so tabu to say schizophrenia and my family would be angry at me if I told him and he was being a bit nosy perhaps :open_mouth:.

Good for you if you are helping people on you tube.
Hope you are having fun too aswell as doing good.


Nope ain’t gonna happen for me lol.
If I ever make a new career I don’t want my info floating around the web about it. So I prefer anonymous approach

We can still help a lot of people through anonymous postings


I’m open with my sza because I want people to see that you can be mentally ill and function. Most people are shocked when they find out and supportive.


I’ve only shared my schizophrenia with a few non-family members – my manager at my old employer, and some girls I’ve chatted with on dating sites. They’ve all been cool with it and didn’t seem to have an odd reaction.

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These things take time,ie breaking down barriers/reducing stigma, but progress only occurs through the efforts of people like you.


i think its ok in the proper context, it depends on the situation,

I recently helped to make a promotional video for my clubhouse recently and my name is mentioned on it too, things like that are ok bc its all to help the fight against stigma, discrimination and to promote the clubhouse model, we know its a good things and it can save the health sector millions.

good causes are a great way to help others and if you want to disclose thats up to you.


I wrote an autobiography on the experience of schizophrenia…I signed it anonymous…at the time I thought I was going to be a millionaire and didn’t want anyone to know my name…haha…right…small sales…very small sales…but I am glad it’s out there.