i do regret it…
I never hurt my family. Put my wife thru some hell, but I like to think I’ve made up for it
I regret causing sadness to my mum but she got over it
We have good friendship now
Quite the opposite. I regret the hurt caused to me by family and friends because of my illness.
I regret what i put my husband through, but it’s not like I could have done much differently. As soon as I was diagnosed and put on meds things for a lot better. And I work really hard to not make him go through any of that again.
I am a burden… my family loves me but I feel like a burden…
I do not feel too much of burden
I feed myself and wash myself and live independently
They are lucky that I don’t cause them worse problems
you are lucky to feed yourself.
I would undo it if I could, but my conscience is clear.
My munin has gotten side tracked somewhere…only hugin keeps me company…
Yes. I regret the hurt I caused them, especially my son, but also my parents and other family and friends.
I regret all the hurt I ever put anyone through, including my family, because of my sza. And I also regret all the hurt that various MI people, in my life, have put me through.
So yes. I went psychotic on them after taking Piracetam, worst day of my life.
I don’t regret the hurt I may have caused my family, None of them were good to me, a lot of abuse in my family, think they were more messed up than me
sorry to hear mountain…hopefully you can resolve the situation with your fam/friends. I feel bad about what I have done, even though its not much. its more of what I COULDVE done. maymbe that’s selfish of me? not in the sense i would only think of myself…but the fact that i would be better but what about the others? I barely know whats going on with me now, even if I was 100% tomorrow…would I deserve it? would I feel “happy”? should I?
My dad gets to me. He has this survival of the fittest attitude and when I bring up SZ he says I’m looking for pity. I would say no, I don’t have regret but I wish I was more independent.
I regret any hurt I’ve caused anybody due to my limits or irrational ( paranoid) thinking. I try to apologize and do better.
I would like to have a good job and help my family with money because we are in a bad situation but I’m not able…
But you help your grandmother - right? That’s big! @zeno
No. Part of my family was abusive while the other was apathetic towards the abuse. They had it coming. It worked out for me in the end. I’ll never let bullshit like that happen to me again.)