Does anyone else relate with regrets of having psychosis or guilt? Pertaining to anything including guilt about anything you may have been thinking or doing while psychotic.
Regretting or feeling guilty for having psychosis
I wrote pretty mean stuff and threatened a person on-line while psychotic. I’m lucky I wasn’t charged.
So yeah…I wish I could have a ‘take back’ in life. The only thing you can do though is to promise yourself you won’t repeat the same mistakes, and to try to do better each tomorrow.
I left my marriage. So full of regret over that
I often regret how I handled things after having a breakdown. It certainly didn’t do me any good in the long run
The biggest regret of my life when I first became psychotic was a suicide attempt. Thankfully my husband left after years of emotional abuse from him but he also took our son with him. My son was 16 at the time and I haven’t seen nor heard from him since. 9 years now.
I was diagnosed with late onset schizophrenia - if only things were different. I live in hope of reuniting with my son someday.
I regret and feel guilty for not speaking with family. Its always one of the first signs of an episode not speaking with my family
That’s heartbreaking @Sarah . Hopefully you will reunite soon, proud of you for staying strong
I have no regrets, maybe smoking weed as it made me psychotic even on meds.
Thanks @Cragger , I feel for all parents that have lost a child. It hurts being a parent, when our kids hurt we hurt. I am sure my son would be hurting too having lost his mother at such a vulnerable age.
Thanks again.
I can only imagine. I don’t have children of my own, but I know how badly it would affect me if I lost my Goddaughter for whatever reason
Being away from a child that long is heartbreaking. I pray you reunite one day.
i have some regrets yea… but i try not to obsess so much over them. I can’t change the past anymore and the future is what it is when it comes.
I regret making my grown son live in a group home for the mentally ill.
I regret taking those stupid pills while on the job as a nurse.
I regret giving in to my fathers commands and joining the Air Force instead of the Army.
I regret staying attached to my last gf for so many years, 16 years.
I regret being sick with sza for 33 years. I’m more or less in remission now. I get breakthrough symptoms every now and then still.
I regret psychosis…. Coming off of 5mg aripiprazole having another episode and losing my family and ruining my job prospects.
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