Do you like to go to a dentist

I had my dental appointment today, no problems with my teeth. I like to go to a dentist, at least in this way I can have my teeth checked.

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I wouldn’t say I enjoy it, but I do appreciate getting my teeth checked out every now and again.
I have never had a cavity and I’d like it to stay that way


I usually do actually. The only thing I don’t like is having to get a filling, but other than that I like it.


Of course I appreciate the dentist they are very important. But I just wish I’d looked better after my teeth some years ago.

They say my teeth are ‘ok’ so it’s all good

But I worry bout oh wat if this wat if that regarding my teeth.

I need to chill

Last time I went to the dentist I came out with no teeth lol


Oh I love going to the dentist!

I also love having my balls put in a vice and being thrown into the bear pit at the zoo.

People say I’m a little weird, but what do they know?



I know it is going to hurt and I don’t like pain so in that sense I don’t like going. But the dentist serves a purpose and I look at it as a necessary evil.


I am scared of dentists

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I rather study dentristy myself and do a DIY job. I haven’t got the money and the nerve of steel.

i haven’t been to the dentist in 9 years, scared to go honestly

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Who likes going to the dentist?

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Oh God I hate the dentist they are nothing but a bunch of liars :crazy_face:

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I have 9 cavities and 9 is my favorite number


My dad was a dentist and now I can’t afford to have a crown and root canal.

I like going to the dentist and have a professional clean once a year but I can’t afford x rays or other treatments.

I can’t afford the dentist really.

My dad used to look at my teeth.
For free.

Now I have to pay.:open_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I haven’t been in a long time. I know I have cavities.

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I definitely know I have gum disease! I smoke, chew tobacco, drink tons of coffee and sweet tea! It’s a Texas thing!

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I go to the dentist. I judge it is sophisticated self-care to take care of my mouth.

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I freaking hate the dentist. Well I’m scared of the dentist although I’ve gone to it all of my life.

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Im terrified of the dentist…absolutely hate them

I rarely brush my teeth. I perceive that to be the problem.

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