Dental examinations

i hate the dentists and i have avoided it for at least 4 years and i dont brush them much although i try to keep them clean but its hard to remove the plaque build up and my teeth have been starting to get really sore in the back molers so i thought it was time to go,

i paid the deposit and i have been added to the list for next week :confused:

anybody else hate the dentist or need work done?

i find it really hard to go but i just have to grin and bare it lol (pardon the pun)

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I get weirded out by invasive procedures sometimes. I try to remember how relieved I feel when it’s over.

Woohoo that’s taken care of. Now my mind doesn’t have to worry about it for awhile. Neurosis takes a Holiday!

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I really have a big fear of going to the dentist.
I haven’t gone in years.
Maybe I’ll muster up enough courage to go one day soon.

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@daydreamer im perified of dentist as wel but i went to dentist and told him, and he puts music on, maes sure theres somat on the ceiling for me to look at (its now a tv with nat geographic pix on a screen saver that changes every 15 seconds

then the nurse comes in and she talks about stuff like Xfactor or somat and then i dont hear anything except her going on ad i dont take notice of him cos im looking at the stuff on ceiling and woo everything is done.

i hate my teeth been cleaned cos i have 2x crossed over at front and its soooo sensitive it hurts like arrg.
so he puts the nuumb thing on and then cleans them

i had tonnes plaque but because im distracted and numb it doesnt make me panic anymore xxxxxxxx

hope this helps cos dentist is briliant f you tell them xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry your teeth hurt


I don’t hate the dentist, he’s just doing his job. It’s the pain I can’t stand. I have gone to a dentist reguarly almost my entire life. I understand the necessity of going. I don’t question whether I should go or not. I just know that I should and I don’t try to shirk it. I have gotten regular check-ups at least once a year since I was a kid. Preventive check-ups are important.

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I have 15 mg valium at dentist.