I do this frequently. I catched myself just now talking, laughing and moving my hands like if I was with the other person. I was in the terrace and I realized that someone could have seen me so I stopped.
Do you do this?
I do this frequently. I catched myself just now talking, laughing and moving my hands like if I was with the other person. I was in the terrace and I realized that someone could have seen me so I stopped.
Do you do this?
I sometimes fantasize a fictional conversation with myself and who I imagine I would be talking to. I guess their responses. It is not audible or anything, it is just a by product of spending considerable time alone.
I’m usually the winner, revisiting past conversations.
Many times I come up with perfect responses I wish I had said at the time of the situation happening.
I don’t do it as often now that I’m better medicated.
Ah yeah. We are so clever and witty afterwards!
I’m charming as heck in my own head.
least we can have a laugh over it.
I have to fight off on two fronts currently
Problem is anything good gets dismissed by me as grandeur
Anything bad gets accepted and alters my self-perception of myself
Something has to give.
How can I accept positive thoughts without being arrogant?
How can I accept negativity in a constructive way?
This is how the conversation goes for me all day every day
Alongside that is telepathic thinking patterns that are just deeply unhelpful
At least the loud audible’s have for now subsided
I do this too, it’s normal I think?
I know exactly what you mean @Joker
But you are giving a lot of effort
You deserve some praise
Have you rang your family, do they understand whats going on?
Yea I just spoke to my mother on the phone, and she convinced me that I shouldn’t give up
As many have seen here, when I work weekends I tend to crash and burn, and she just reminded me of that and told me not to do anything stupid
She’s pissed off with the treatment service not giving me a solution when they told me off about the diazepam
I am thankful for people here including you @anon67450902 who’re prepared to take time out to help others
It means a lot to me and always has, even though I struggle to listen at times.
Don’t you worry @Joker its a pleasure trying to help. Your doing your best as we all are
Yes, I do this all the time. When I notice I’m going over the speed limit, I imagine the conversation I would have with the cop that pulled me over. Or I replay situations in my head, and what I should have said. Even when I pour my morning coffee, I imagine someone criticizing me for using too much sugar, that’s sort of ■■■■■■■■. It’s very annoying, but I can’t help myself
I do this too. 15
Well, making noises, laughing and talking very soft along with moving your hands I don´t see everyone doing. It happens when I´m “too much in my head”. Maybe I haven´t lived together with other people enough…
Well I do that too, so you’re not alone.
Yes, I do. I sometimes imagine “what I could’ve said,” as well.
But I think it´s pretty normal, at least according to the internet.
What is not normal is to respond to a voice that “is not yours” or to a visual/auditory hallucination.
Being alone is unbearable. I have faith my voices are real. I live in my imagination. No one can help me, they are powerless. The system has failed me.
I try not to these days. At my worst I’d get pissed off at conversations that never actually happened.
I do replay experiences. Try to reimagine how things could have been different. I could have said something witty. Had not done or said something. How it could have been perfect.
I think it’s okay to talk to yourself, but when you start arguing you’re â– â– â– â– â– â–