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I’m not sure if I’m guilty of bringing up old topics after it goes away for about a month. I completely forget about it then I’ll make a poll about it or something. Sorry in advance.
0 voters
I’m not sure if I’m guilty of bringing up old topics after it goes away for about a month. I completely forget about it then I’ll make a poll about it or something. Sorry in advance.
People tell me my memory is too good. Like I remember too many details. Except when I’m stoned. Even at that it’s much better than friends.
You would have been an engineer or something if it wasn’t for drugs @Jonnybegood
My dad was an engineer. But no. I was very delusional before I ever did drugs. Mental illness hit me hard years before I ever drank or did drugs. It’s what I was self medicating
Oh wow. Sorry to hear. My Dad is a computer programmer and I’m terrible at it.
My dad was a computer engineer . I had a 2.4 gpa in high school even though I never even drank a sip of alcohol till after I graduated. I had no future at that point. Now I hope to be a writer/artist. So I’ve made the best of the worst.
Yeah my gpa was pretty bad in high school. Hope the writing and artistry works out for you.
I remember many details but I often forget meds…
My memory correlates to an IQ of 110-120. So Yes, I have a good memory, but not a great memory.
The disease has messed with my
Memory sometimes it’s sharp sometimes I forget plots of movies I just saw (due to talking to voices internally).
Part of my problem is that I am constantly talking to the internal voice and not using my memory. If you don’t use it you lose it.
Long term memory is great. Short term is not so hot and has gotten worse as I age.
@Jonnybegood, I’m an author, composer and student pianist too.
My memory is terrible both long and short term. It’s due to both age and sza. My IQ is low too. But, I get along pretty good in spite of it. I had a 3.0 G.P.A. at graduation from nursing school.
I have noticed that Diazepam recently has ruined my memory. I have been on it since last year. Apparently it can be permanent after long term use.
My psychiatrist says he will start reducing it down by 2.5mg every three months, which means I will be on it for a long time to come, as I got withdrawal when I tried coming off it before.
I can remember past events pretty well; incidents that happened in my life. But my memory took a hit during an extremely stressful move and if I don’t write most stuff in the present down, I’ll forget. I have to write down every appointment and post it and phone numbers and most other stuff that needs to be done. I guess in a way, it’s interesting, like I could be a case study for a doctor on the affect of memory loss and what causes it.
My autobiographical memory sucks big time. Here are my cognifit memory scores, out of 800 .
I couldn’t vote. As can be seen mine is varied.
My memory is not good
Since meds I swear I can’t remember things
Had a mad memory, pardon the pun, till psychosis. Really lost it and either though I do well with meds I still don’t have the memory I used to have!
That’s there the breaks.