Hows your memory

Mine sucks i can’t remember anything anymore about past hardly


I can remember a lot. Too much.

Mine is ok to be honest.

It’s pretty bad but not dementia level thank goodness.

It got to be very bad when I was on higher doses of Lamictal in the past

I’m sorry. what was the question again?

terrible. long term and short term. very fuzzy long term. short term i hardly remember an example haha. basically lose my thoughts in seconds. i even forget to listen. forget my words for even one sentence. and am told i ask same questions more than once.

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I have been “losing” words and names and I feel awkward when conversing. My memory is getting worse and it makes me feel stupid. I use to be able to have good intellectual conversations but have been struggling with that this last year. I’m just getting old, I guess.


Yeah im the same as you @irrelevant its tough to deal with

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Autobiographical memory - Not good .Common in those of us with aphantasia. working memory- superior. visual memory - very poor

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How old are you @WhiteRaven ? Im 45

My memory has been getting progressively worse.

I’m turning 50 next month…

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I remember all the wrong things. I can remember what happened to me as a kid 24 years ago but can’t remember important things like to file my taxes. Which reminds me I have to file.

Horrible. But I think it’s due to my ADD because it’s always been bad. It’s either a bad memory, or bad retention of information, I’m not sure which is true.

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Yeah i have bad retention memory i can’t remember facts or anything it makes me feel really dumb

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I know the feeling

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My long and short term memory is poor. But I don’t have dementia. I might have mild cognitive impairment I’m not sure. I have to be retested. I think it may just be normal aging. I’m 64.


My memory is poor. Probably from all the concussions i’ve had.

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Actually I’m the same way @WhiteRaven

I forgot what the question was. :joy: