No matter how well I’m doing with my meds and what not I can always induce the feeling of being watched. I put my headphones in, listen to a great song then close my eyes and there the feeling comes. I sense someone(s) is watching me or that there is someone standing in my room looking at me. I don’t know if they’re hostile so it causes stress. I know I could just not close my eyes, which I try not to but sometimes I really want to absorb and interact with the song I’m listening to (music really moves me) and it’s so unfortunate this happens.
Do you guys have this feeling? I use to have it all the time (whether headphones in or not) but it’s just surfacing this way now.
I have that feeling too. I put down the blinds in the window. My husband opens them and so we go on. I have a hard time listening to music outdoors or on a bus. I think the music is too loud and disturbs everyone even if I have a very low volume. I hear ppl’s thoughts. “It’s too loud, what crap are you listening to?” And so on. If I close my eyes I get the feeling something is standing next to me. Same thing in the dark. I use my phone to light up my bedroom to check that it was just my mind playing tricks.
I’ve never tried to interact with these beings but I did tonight and I was able to talk to them. I’m not sure if my creativity is going wild or what but they answer quickly with sometimes very strange answers.
I felt that way too. I would hear many different personalities and different accents even. Some criticized my every move. One gave me interior decorating advice and went shopping with me and helped me pick out curtains. Another told me funny things and made me laugh during a long drive to a friends house. Kept me awake. Mostly there was horrible non stop chanting certain phrases over and over, like “call the FBI” etc. I don’t know how my brain was so creative. I know this is delusional, but they seemed like spirits or demons. I guess the neurons in our brains are working overtime and medication did quiet the nonstop voices.
I have this feeling with music on headphones in the bus, too. I am angry, because I think that people around are talking about me and saying bad things, like “he is naughty,…” (hope I use good word) when I have it only on low volume. It is probably a kind of paranoid thoughts. But maybe it is real.
I don’t get the felling I’m being watched, I know I’m being watched.
That and all my stuff in my backpack/purse/carryon gets searched and the zippers left open on every pocket.
When I go out of the house, it looks thoroughly ransacked upon returning.
The people without color are always watching, always listening always moving. Do not fear this. They will bring us our real colors. Lady Jasmine will protect us with her wolves and singing
Thats one of my main symptoms-feeling like Im being constantly watched in my home. Im on meds but Its hard for me to shake off the thought that my landlord might have put a camera in my room and is watching my every move. I started my meds not too long ago so sometimes I still hear his voice commenting on what Im doing and criticizing me. Years ago when I had my first psychotic break-right after a severe trauma-I felt like all my neighbors could read my mind and see through the walls. It was pretty f-d up now that I look back on it. Now its just that feeling of being watched that I cant shake off. Even when my windows blinds are closed I feel like people can see me in my home.I know its not reality though-hoping the meds kick in soon
Yes. Always. Didn’t think anything of it. Convinced everyone around me. Later after seeing psych that maybe it wasn’t normal and need to tell someone. I alter my action significantly for years now. Often hide it well now.
Strange thing is that I used to get the feeling of being watched waaaay before schizophrenia set in. When I was like 9 I would get the feeling that someone was watching me inside of my house. Still get it every now and then.
I absolutely feel like I am being watched. It is my main symptom. I am being watched and monitored 24/7. Not only outside but inside too. My brain and body are constantly monitored. My TV, Computer, phone etc are all special for me so that I don’t see myself like the rest of the world can. They are watching me constantly along with controlling my brain and my behavior (not all the time but they can when they want to). I am so convinced I am being watched that I talk to my audience when I am alone. I have big-time Truman show delusion. The biggest. Thank God no psychotic breaks in 10 months. Still delusional tho…
When I was still a teenager I would think that people were constantly filming me like on that movie The Truman Show. Even now when I am in groups I feel like everyone is looking at me.
ya, I feel like I have no privacy and even though I only became mentally ill a year and a half ago, ‘they’ (voice in my head) tell me I have been being controlled and monitored for well over a decade. It sucks ass. Sometimes I am able to not think about it. I value those times.